Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/348

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to Arnst and Hart (1893), the former contains 61.05 per cent, of fat and only 0.27 per cent, of essential oil, while the latter contains only 26-78 per cent, of fat and 4.12 per cent, of essential oil.

This difference is observed not only in the composition of the crude material, but also in the characters of the separated fats. E. Spaeth in 1895 determined the constants of the fat from the Bombay mace and compared them with those of genuine Banda mace, with the following results : —

Bombay. Banda.
Melting point 31° 25° to 26°
Iodine value 51.3 to 53.5 78 to 80
Saponification value 189.4 to 191.4 170 to 173

It would seem that both these fats contain myristin and olein in varying proportions. (Agric. Ledger, No. 3 of 1907.)


1084. Cinnamomum Tamala, Fr. Nees, h.f.b.i., v. 128.

Vern. : — Dâlchîni, kirkiria, kikra, talisputar, silkanti (Hind.) ; Chotâ sinkoli (Nepal) ; Nupsor (Lepcha) ; Dopatti (Ass.) ; Zarnab (Arab.) ; Tejpât (Dec.) ; Talisha-pattiri (Tam.) ; Talisha-patri (Tel.).

N.B. — " The word tamali occurs in the Râja Nighantu, and tejpât is apparently derived from the Sanskrit tvach " (Watt).

Habitat: — Tropical and sub-tropical Himalaya, from near the Indus to Bhotan and Sikkim, Silhet and Khasia Hills.

A moderate-sized, very aromatic, evergreen tree. Bark thin, compact, brown, wrinkled, with an aromatic taste. Wood reddish-grey, splits and warps, moderately bard, close-grained, scented. Leaves usually 4-5in. long, very variable in breadth, glabrous, 3-nerved, opposite or nearly so, often alternate on the same branch. Petiole ½in. long ; the young foliage pink. Flowers in. diam. ; perianth silky, of 6 unequal lobes, in fruit breaking off transversely about the middle. Fruit black when ripe, succulent, ½in. long, supported by the thickened pedicel at the base of perianth with short truncate teeth. The lobes are ribbed longitudinally. " Perfect stamens 9, the 6 outer eglandular with 4-celled anthers opening inwards, the inner 3 with 2-glands at the base, and 4-2-celled anthers