Page:Indian Palmistry.djvu/27

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No. 47.

Name.—Crest of Hermes.

Location.—Small crosses or star on third phalanx of little finger, especially in the centre.

Interpretation.— Shows ingenuity and eloquence.

No. 48.

Name.—Small concentric circles formed by pores of the skin.

Location.—On first phalanx of all fingers.

Interpretation.—Denotes that the person will be always earning or inheriting money all his life, and in fact it is one of the most successful signs in the hand for pecuniary success.

No. 49.

Location.—On Mounts.


Interpretation.—The same on the mounts indicate money by or through persons or things indicated by the mount of the fingers, on the forefinger, a wealthy partner; on the mount of Saturn, wealth by lands, house property, legacies; on the ring finger by successful business, or profession and fame; on the mount of Mercury by writings, by profession, by eloquence, etc. Should these assume an elongated form, as seen on middle finger, then, if unbroken, the person will succeed by labour and many difficulties; if none appear, then