Page:Indian Palmistry.djvu/47

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into seventy parts, each part counting one year of life.

The character in this line shows loss of an eye. This character double denotes the loss of both eyes.

A line ascending from the line of Life (beneath the angle formed by the line of Life and the Liver line) to the line of Saturn, denotes an envious man, and shows also a perilous disease in that part wherein it touches the vital. So much the worse if it cut the line of Life or severs the mount.

A line passing from the line of Life to the ring finger promises honours to follow by means of a lady of rank, or gain through favour.

The line of Life thicker than ordinary at the end under the forefinger shows a laborious old age.

The Liver Line.

This line being straight and not dissected by obscure little lines, denotes a healthy body.

If it be short or broken and does not reach beyond the hollow of the hand, it denotes diseases and a short life.

The longer this line, the greater may the life be warranted.

If cut at the end by a small intervening line, it threatens poverty in old age.

When this line is very close to the line of Life, it denotes diseases of the heart, as palpitation, syncope, etc.