Page:Indian Palmistry.djvu/49

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This same branch shows also great heat of the liver, coming from Mars, whereby life is endangered.

The Line of the Head and Brain.

If this line (ascending from its place with uniform proportion) connect the line of the Liver and Life in a triangular form, having a lively colour and not intersected, it declares a person of admirable prudence, and of a manly wit and fair fortune. The more perfect this triangle, the better shall the temper, wit and courage be. But if it be obtuse, it argues an evil disposed nature and a rude man. If there be no triangle, much worse, a fool, a prodigal and a liar, and frequently a short life.

The nearer it approaches a right angle, and not acute, the better the person. But when the angle formed be very acute, especially when the lines of Liver and Life touch under the region of the middle finger, it argues covetousness. If not under the middle finger, it shows a keen, sharp and powerful wit, also a clever business person.

The left angle (male hand), if it be made upon the natural mean in the mount of the Moon, and be a right angle by the line passing to the mount of Mercury, confirms goodness, and quality of the intellect.

When the line of the Head and Brain throws out unequal and incomposed branches towards the mount of the Moon, thereby making unusual characters, it denotes in men weakness of brain and