Page:Indian Palmistry.djvu/55

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stimulants of any kind, inasmuch as the person will have sufficient energy of himself, and all stimulation which will increase the vascular action will only impede and retard the heart's action, like too much oil to a machine. This line strengthens all things denoted by the line of Life, and if clear and decidedly red it promises great success in war.

The Rule to Tell the Planets.

When a figure similar to that used by astronomers in designating the planets is found on the mount particularly set aside for that planet, as on the mount of Jupiter there is the figure , and on the mount of Saturn there is the sign , on Apollo the sign ⊙, on the mount of Mercury there is the sign , and on the thick part of the thumb you find a similar sign , on the mount of the moon the sign , on Mars' place the figure , and so on, then they are termed benevolent. How far, however, this is relevant to the subject I do not state, but I should rather advise the student to treat this with great care, although the marks given underneath will be found of value when placed as indicated.

The planets are considered unfortunate when confused lines, broken semicircle, gridiron marks, or signs contrary to the mounts indicated above, as to mount of Jupiter, and so on, are found on the mounts or places.

Venus () is dignified when you find on her