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was going to Calcutta with his family, and thought I had at last found a way of escape. Calcutta was far from my home and that of my father-in-law, it is true, but I had a distant relative who was engaged in business in the capital. I thought that if I could only reach Calcutta, I should have no difficulty in finding my relative, who would certainly send me home; or else I might be able to send word to my father.

I announced my discovery to my host, who strongly approved of my plan. "Krishna Babu," he said, "is well known to me. I will take you to him. He is an elderly man of excellent character."

I was duly taken to Krishna Babu's house. The Brahmin explained that I was a young lady of good birth who had fallen into misfortune and had lost my way. "If you will only take this poor friendless girl to Calcutta, she will have no difficulty in finding her way home." Krishnadas Babu agreed, and admitted me to his women's quarters. Next day I started for Calcutta in the company of the ladies of his