Page:Indiscretions of Archie.djvu/145

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think you a topper. Besides, you've got to go to New York in any case. To take Percy to a vet., you know, what!"

"Of course. How right you always are!" Miss Silverton hesitated again. "Would you really be glad if I went back to the show?"

"I'd go singing about the hotel! Great pal of mine, Benham. A thoroughly cheery old bean, and very cut up about the whole affair. Besides, think of all the coves thrown out of work—the thingummabobs and the poor what-d'you-call-'ems!"

"Very well."

"You'll do it?"


"I say, you really are one of the best! Absolutely like mother made! That's fine! Well, I think I'll be saying good night"

"Good night And thank you so much!"

"Oh, no, rather not!"

Archie moved to the door.

"Oh, by the way."


"If I were you, I think I should catch the very first train you can get to New York. You see—er—you ought to take Percy to the vet as soon as ever you can."

"You really do think of everything," said Miss Silverton.

"Yes," said Archie, meditatively.