Page:Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastic Games.djvu/33

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Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastic Games

(Era— 1893— p. 311.)

Played with the big medicine ball. Team composed of eight or twelve men each; eight seems to be the better number. The teams are placed in line sideward, facing each other. The men clasp one another around the waist and in no case must the hold be broken. At the word "Go," each team rushes toward the centre, using the feet only in working the ball toward the centre, each team endeavoring to get the ball across the opposite goal. Should a hold be broken or the men fall down, the whistle is blown, lines formed over again and the team breaking or fouling loses a point, three fouls making a goal. Best two in three or three in five goals constitute the game. The ends are the men who must do the best work, preventing the ball from going out at the sides, also keeping the lines closed up. If the ball goes out of bounds, it must be placed in the centre again; then the game continues. Tripping, breaking hold or unnecessarily rough play constitute fouls, at the discretion of the referee.

Roll Ball
(Mind and Body, Vol. V., No. 55; Mind and Body. Vol. IV., No. 39; Mind and Body, Vol. II., No. 24.)

Players form, in a circle with hands grasped. A starter stands in the centre and tries to kick the ball so that it will roll but not leave the ground, and pass through between two members of the circle. These roll it back. This continues until the ball goes through, when the player on whose right side it passed, exchanges places with the centre player.

Medicine Ball Passing
(Physical Education, Vol. IV, page 90.)

Great sport can be attained by adding several articles; for instance, basket ball, base ball, tennis ball, Indian club, dumb bell, etc., if the class is large. This combination keeps one in a state