Page:Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastic Games.djvu/81

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Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastic Games

Pole Tug

The game may be varied with the use of wands or poles, pushing or pulling. In pulling with pole, they stand with backs to each other and pull away from the centre.

French or Indian Wrestle

Two players lie on backs, side by side, locking arms, heads in opposite direction. Count "one, two, three;" at each count the adjoining legs are brought to perpendicular. At count three, catch at the knee and endeavor to make the opponent perform a back roll.

Sitting Toe Wrestle

Two players sit on mat facing each other, knees bent perpendicularly with toes touching opponent's. Pass stick under knees and clasp hands (not opponent's) in front of knees. At word "go" attempt to get your toes under opponent's toes and upset him.

Standing Toe Wrestle

(Y. M. C. A. Young Men's Era, 1892, page 1592.)

The arms are folded and, hopping on one foot, each wrestler tries to make his opponent put his other foot upon the floor, by a side movement of the leg.

Dog Fight

(Y. M. C. A. Young Men's Era, 1893, page, 341.)

Two players place themselves on their hands and knees, facing each other, about three feet apart. Place an endless strap or anything that will not cut into the flesh over the heads (which must be kept up and back) onto the necks. At the word "Go" the players pull against each other until one of them is pulled off the mat, or his head pulled forward, thereby releasing the strap, thus showing the other to be the victor.