Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/104

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F. Nicholas Francis Flood Damn, one of the authors of "Readings by Star- light," contributed to the "Evening Star,"L 1806.

p. Favell, who left Cambridge because he was ashamed of his father, who was a house-painter there. See Lamb's " Elia," " Christ's Hospital."

F. Barren Field. See Lamb's " Elia," "My First Play."

F Sir George Prevost, Bart., one of the contributors to "Tracts for the Times," L. 1840-48.

F. Thomas Ignatius Maria Forster. Epistolarium ; or, fasciculi of curious letters . . . Bruges, 1845.

F. William C. Folger. Memoir of the late Hon. Walter Folger. New Bed- ford, 1874.

F. Edward Fillebrown. Richard Grant "White and "The Bacon Shakespeare Craze." By ... In the " Common- wealth," Boston, March 31, 1883.

F. and F., J F. James Frederic Fer- guson, Esq., in the " Gent. Mag.," March, 1853, p. 267, and August, 1855, p. 161.

F. A C T. Osborne Howes, Boston correspondent of the " Spectator" (N.Y.), etc.

F , A. P. Alexander Penrose Forbes. A memoir of the pious life and holy death of Helen Inglis . . . L. 1854.

F., B Benjamin Furly(1). The light upon the candlestick . . . translated into English by ... L. 1811.

F., B., Esq. Barron Field. See Lamb's "Elia," "Distant Correspond- ent," in a letter to B. F , Esq.

F., C. diaries File, in his contribu- tions to the "Star" (N.Y.).

F., O. Charles James Fox. Epistle [in Terse] from . . . partridge-shooting, to the Honourable J. Townshend, cruis- ing. By Richard Tickell. L. 1779.

F. C , The. William Makepeace Thack- eray. Brighton in 1847. "Punch," 1847.

F., C. & E. C. Catharine Foster and Elizabeth Colling. A new metrical ver- sion of the Psalms of David L. 1838.

F., Hon. C. J. Hon. Charles James Fox. The beauties of administration: a poem. With an heroic race to the pal- ace between L[or]d Sh[e]lb[ur]ne and ... L. 1782.

F., E. Edgar Fawcett, in his contri- butions to the " Tribune " (X Y.) etc.

F., E. Edward Fillebrow*> The biog-

raphy of William Shakespeare. By ... In the "Brooklyn Chronicle," May 27, 1882.

F , E Mrs E. Fletcher. Elidure and Edward ... L. 1825

F , E. E. Field A manual of devo- tions for sea-faring men. Oxf. 1854

F., E. Ebenezei Forsyth. Shakespeare ; some notes on his character and writings. L. 1867

F , E , Jr. Edward Fell, Jr., in the "Gent Mag."

F., E. E. Elizabeth E. Flagg. Little people whom the Lord loved. N.Y. 1871.

F., E. T. Edward Tat/lor Fletcher. See " Korah."

F , E. W. Edwin Wdkins Field. On Mr. Tagart's " Remarks on mathematical reasoning" From the "Christian Re- former," February, 1838. L. 1838.

F, F. Francis Fauqmer, An essay on ways and means for raising money for the support of the present war . . . L 1756

F., F. Frederick Fi/sh. Nature's voice in the Holy Catholic Church : a series of designs. L & Derby, 1864.

F. F. of the Cedars. Henry William Herbert. Field sports in the United States ... L. 1849.

F., GrevUle, of Barnes. Greville Fennell. The rail and the rod ; or, tour- ist angler's guide to waters and quarters thirty miles round London. L. 1867.

F., G. H. Granville Hamilton Forbes. No antecedent impossibility in mira- cles ... Oxf 1861.

F., H. Henry Foley. See " A Mem- ber of the Same Society/'

F., H. Hi. Henrietta Louisa Farrer. The arrival at a new home. L 1850

F., H. B. Henry Ralph Francis. The fly-fisher and his library, by ... L. 1856. [A Cambridge (Eng.) essay.]

F., J. John Fransham. An exact ac- count of the charge for supporting the poor of the city of Norwich . . . L. 1720.

F.,J. John Fry. The legend of Mary, Queen of Scots ... L. 1810.

F., J. John Forster. Memorials of John Hampden. By Lord Nugent. Fourth edition, with a memoir of the writer by ... L. 1860.

F., J. James Freeman, S.T.D. Re- marks on the American universal geog- raphy. B. 1793.

F., J. F. Hon, John F. Finerty, of