s, 4th Earl of Clarendon. Dix ans
cl'impenalisme en France . . . Paris,
This work first appeared m English ; it was conected by the secretary of Lord Clarendon, the Hungarian General Ebei, and was translated by M Bernard Deiosne.
Flassan, Maurice. Mme. Marie Paul- ine Rose (Stewart] Blaze de Bury, in the " Revue de Paris " and the " Revue des Deux Mondes."
Flatter, John. John Mather Arch- bold. The law and practice in bank- ruptcy ... L. 1842.
Fleetwood, Everard, Esq. Samuel Burroughs, Esq. An enquiry into the customary-estates and tenant-rights of those who hold lands of Church and other foundations ... L. 1730.
Fleming, George Miss Julia Con- stance Fletcher. The head of Medusa. B. 1880
Flemming, Harford. Mrs Harriet (Hare) Me Clellan. Cupid and the Sphinx. N.Y. 1878.
Fleta. Miss Kate W. Hamilton (*). The brave heart ... P. 1868.
Flimnap, t&e Lilliputian Premier. Sir Robert Walpole.
In Swift's "Voyage to Lilliput," " Sir Robert "Walpole suffered in the person of * Flimnap, the Lilliputian Premiei,' Tones and Whigs in the 'High-Heels and Low-Heels,' Catholics and Piotestants in the 'Big-enduins and Small-endi- ans '"Sec TUCKEBMAN'S "History of Eng- lish Piose Fiction," p. 174,
Flirt, A. Lady Charlotte Maria (Campbell) Bury. The history of a flirt, related by herself. L. 1840.
Florence. Mrs. Frances Sargent ( Locke ) Osfjooa, in early life a contributor to the " Juvenile Miscellany " under this signa- ture.
Florence. Miss Florence Tyng, in sketches, etc., contributed to various pe- riodicals.
Flori, C. de. Mrs. Floride Clemson Lea. Poet sides, and other experiments in versification. N.Y. 186-.
Florida, Aunt. Phebe Travers.
Florida, Charles. Dr. J. B. F. Wallet.
Florlo. James Gordon Brooks, who was for some time a contributor to peri- odicals under this signature.
Florlo. Dr. William (?) King. An epistle [in verse] to ... at Oxford. L 1749; reprinted in the "Retrospec- tive Review/' 1835. By Thomas Tyr- whitt.
Florrle, Cousin. Florence Bliss (?). Christ or the world ? which ? , . . Bait. 1870.
Florus, Julius William Pitt
Before reporteis weie authoiized to publish
the proceedings of Parliament, Mr. Pitt was
reported as "Julius Florus," Mr. Fox as
"CncBus Fulvius," the Eail of Winclaelsea a&
" Caius Claudius Nero," and the Earl of Bath as
" Marcus Cato."
Flower of Strathearn, The. Lady Carolina Oliphant Nairn.
Fluviatulis piscator. Rev. Joseph Seccombe Business and diversion inof- fensive to God, and necessary for the comfort and support of human society ... B. 1743.
Fly-fisber, A. Rev. W. Cartwright. Rambles and recollections of ... L. 1874.
Foa, Mme. Eugenie. Mme. Eugenie Rebecca (Rodrigues) Gradis. Le petit Robinson de ^Paris. Paris, 1840.
Foe to Ignorance, A. Henry Mudge. A letter to the ratepayers of Bodmin on the use to be made of the (old) poor- house . . 1840.
Fogie, Francis, Sen., Eso;. George Pay son. Romance of California; or,, golden dreams and leaden realities, N.Y. 1854.
Folio, Felix. John Page.
Folio, Tom. Joseph E, JSabson, who wrote frequent book-notices for the Bos- ton " Transcript " under the signature of "Tom Folio"
Folio, Tom. Thomas Rawlinson, (t for whom Mr Addison is said to have in- tended his character of c Tom Folio/ in the 'Tatler/ No. 158" See "Chal- mers/' Vol. 26
Follower of Locke, A. Benjamin Humphrey Smart. A letter to Dr. Whate- ley... L. 1851.
Foote, S., Junior. Rev. Francis Wrangham. Reform : a farce, mod- ernized from Aristophanes ... L. 1792.
Forbes, Glacier. James David Forbes, author of several works on the glaciers- of the Alps.
Foreigner, A. Robert S. Sturgis. A F.'s evidence on the Chinese question. L. 1859.
Foreigner, A. George Watterston* Letters from Washington on the con- stitution and laws; with sketches of prominent characters . . . Wash., D,C , 1818.
Foremast Man, A Edward Hamp- den Rose, author of several pieces which have appeared in the newspapers under this signature.
Forest Warbler. M. R. McCormiclc. The duke's chase ; or, the diamond ring vs. the gold ring . . . Gin. 1871.