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France, A. de Ernest Albij. La cap- tivitc du trompette escoffier. Pans, 1848,

Frances iMrs Elizabeth Griffith, The letters of Henry and Frances 175-

Written in conjunction with her husband, Richaid Giiffith, and said to contain the genuine correspondence between them. Their next pub- lication, wiittenalso in conjunction, was "Two novels, in letters," 4 vols.; the lust and second entitled " Delicate Distress," by "Fiances," the third and fourth entitled the " Q-ordian knot," by "Henry." 1769.

Francesca. Miss Francesco, Alexan- der. The story of Ida, edited with pref- ace by John Ruskin, D C.L. B. 1883.

" Let it be noted with thankful reveience that this is the story of a Catholic girl by a Piotestant one, yet the two of them so united in the tiuth of the Christian faith and in the joy of its love, that they are absolutely unconscious of any dif- feience in the forms or letter of then* religion." J. RUSKIN.

Franchi, Ausonio. Cristoforo Bono- vino Saggi di cntica e polemica. 1871.

Francis, Virginia. Virginia Francis Bateman. A nom de theatre.

Franco, Harry. Charles F. Bnggs. The adventures of Harry Franco : a tale. N.Y. 1839.

" Harry Franco . .

He has common sense m a way that's uncommon, Hates humbug and cant, and loves like a woman, Builds his dislikes with cards and his friendships of oak "

Frank, Parson. Rev Francis Jacox, in "People's" and "Howitt's Magazines "

Frank, Uncle. Francis Channing Woodwoith Uncle Frank's pleasant pa^es for the fireside. L. 1857.

Franke, F. F. Ferdinand Hauthal Gebete, Lieder und Gedichte ; von . . . Leipzig, 1838.

Franklin. William Foster, in the "Boston Courier," "Transcript," and other papers.

Franz, Arnold. Dr. Francis Lieber. Wein und Wonnelieder. Berlin, 1825.

Frater. William George. See "Member of the Worcester Anglers' Society, A."

Frater. Francis Lister Hawks. .Qual- ifications of lay delegates, N.Y. about 1848.

Frazer, Lawrence. Lawrence Frazer Abbott.

Fredair, Anna. Miss Walker, of Tus- caloosa. Minor Place N.Y. 1869.

Frederic, M. Frfdfric Dupetit-Mer. Le fils banni : melodrame. Paris, 1815.

Fr6dol. Horace Btntdict Alfred Moqitin-Tandon. Le monde de la mer. Paris, 1863.

Fredrika, Miss H. F. D. Lyon.

Free, Harry B. Harry Free Boynton, in the Turf, Meld, and Farm."

Free Church Elder, A William Mitchell National homage to Christ not disestablishment . . Glasgow, 1875.

Free Church Minister, A Rev. David O. A. Arjnew An eye upon the Scottish Established Church . . . Edinb. 1853

Free Churchman, A. Rev. Andrew Gray. Dr Struthers on the Free Church. Perth, 1845.

Free Inquirer, A. Peter Annet. A collection of tracts of a certain . . . noted for his sufferings for his opinions. L 1739.

Free Lance /. T. Denny, in his con- tributions to various English periodicals

Free Lance. Alexander Richaidson. The future Church of Scotland . . . By ... sometime President of the Uni- versity Dialectic Society. Edinb. and L. 1870.

Free Man, A. William Joseph Snel- ling. Brief and impartial history of the life and actions of Andrew Jackson. By... B 1831.

Free Merchant in Bengal, A. Capt. Joseph Price. Five letters ... to War- ren Hastings ... L 1777.

Free-soiler from the Start. John Gorham Palfrey Remarks on the pro- posed State constitution. B. 1853.

Free Thinker, A. John Armstrong, M.D. Conjectures upon the mortality of the human soul ... L. 1778.

Free Thinker, A. Rev A B. Crocker. Random sketches upon witches, dreams, love, and romance . . . Albany, N.Y., about 1855.

Free-Thinker and a Christian, A. John Maicer. A layman's faith . . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1732.

Freeholder, A. Henry Boase, A brief exposition of the agricultural ques- tion ... L. 1823.

Freeholder, A. William Pulteney, Earl of Bath. An humble address to the knights, citizens, and burgesses elected to represent the Commons of Great Britain in the ensuing Parliament. L. 1734.

Freeholder, A. John Erskine. Re- flections on the rise, progress, and prob- able consequences of the present conten- tions with the colonies. Edinb. 1770.

Freeholder and Landholder of Scotland, A. John Campbell Colguhoun. The constitutional principles of parlia- mentary reform. Edinb. 1831.

Freeholder, An Independent. Thomas ThirlwalL A calm . . . address to Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. ... L. 1804.