Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/117

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Funnidus, Rigdum. Hoi ace J/ay- hew, Henry May hew, and Robert B Biough, editors of Cruikshank's " Comic Alma- nac/'

Funny Man, A. Ossian E. Dodge. Comical doint>& 01 . N.Y. 187-.

F us in a, JTra At nolcto Fusmato. Gedichte. 185J-54

r Edward George Bollard, Esq., who wrote for the "Literary Magnet" and "World of Fashion" under this signa- ture.

y. John Keble. See "a" (under alpha).

G Dr John Green, Bishop of Lin- coln, in his contributions to the " Athe- nian Letters . . L. 1741-43.

G. Rev. R. F Wilson, one of the con- tributors to " Tracts for the Times." L. 1840-48

G - See " The Lord and Lady There "

G. L. C. Gent. Familiar English quotations. L. 1877.

G , A Alfred Gatty, D D. The bell : its origin, history, and uses. L. 1847.

G , A Alexander Gardner. A defence of infant baptism . . . Paisley, 1851

G , A Agnes Giberne. Mignonette . . . L 1869.

G, A. Asa Gray, M.D Review of Darwin's theory of the origin of species by means of natural selection. From the " Amer Jour of Science and Arts," March, 1800

G , A , Gent John Humphreys Parry. The maskers of Moorfields a vision, by the late . . Edited by W. Oriffinhoof. L 1815 See "Gnffinhoof, Anthony, Esq"

G, A. F Acton Frederick Griffith. Bibhotheca Anglo-poetica ... L, 1816.

G. A F. John Lister. Epigrams and jeux d'espnt . Edinb 1870.

G, A. F. Mrs A F Gaston. Our maid-servants ... L. 1866.

G., A. F Atkinson F. Gibson. A tribute to the memory of William Grover, of Stanatead, by ... Warwick, 1826.

G, A H. Alexander H. Giant. Con- tributions to "London Society," chiefly poetical

G, A. S. A. S. Grenvdh. Poetic effusions. B. 1822

G., C. Rev. Charles Gibbon, of Lon- may. A letter by a delegate to the Gen- eral Assembly . . . Aberdeen, 1840,

G, C. F. Mrs. Catherine Frances (Grace) Gore. Quid pro quo; or, the day of dupes : the prize comedy. L. 1844.

G. O. H., Esq.* Barrister-at-law.

H. G. Curran. Confessions of a White- foot. Edited by ... L 1844

G C. J Mrs. Came J. Fieeland. Ansdale Hall; or, stand to your colors. B 187-.

G , C. V. Charles Vaughan Grinjield. A century of acrostics ... L. 1855.

G, O David Garnck. An ode upon dedicating a building, and erecting a statue to Shakespeare, at Stratiord- upon-Avon By ... L. 1769.

G., E. B Edward Burnaby Greene. Hero and Leander- a poem. Tr. . L. 1773.

'- G., F. Fiederick Gale. The public school matches . . L. 1867

G., F Frangois Gaume. Borne et ses papes Pans, 1824

G., F. T. Hippolyte Adolphe Tame, in his contributions to " La Vie Parisienne "

The above letteis are the Initials of "Fr6d6- nc Thomas G-raindorge/' another pseudonym of this author "

G., F. W., of the Middle Temple.

F W. Guidickms. An answer to Mr. Horace "Walpole's late work entitled " Historic doubts on the reign and life of King Richard the Third ... L. 1768.

G , G. George Grenvdle. A letter to ... " Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong/' L 1767.

G., G G. Gieen. The Shunamite. N.Y. 1810.

G,, H- Horace Greeleif, in his con- tributions to the "Tribune" (N.Y.).

G, H. Rev. Harry Grey. Brief sketches of the early history, conversion, and closing period of the life of Mary, second daughter of the Hon. John Grey . . L. 1855.

G, H. Hudson Cktrney. Cupid and Psyche . . . Trans, by ... L. 1800.

G, H. B Mr$. H. B. (Goodwin] Tal> cott. Dr. Howell's family. B. 1869.

G., H. B. Mr*. H J5. 0erry. Eoger Deane's work. By ... B. 1863.

G., H M. Miss H Maria George, in art and biographical sketches contrib- uted to various periodicals.

G., H. H. Henry Mayo Gunn. His- tory of Nonconformity in Warminster. L. 1853.
