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the book-man a heroi-comic poem . . . Edin. 1821

Gent, A Samuel Forster. Mr. Ben- jamin Bennet's Presbyterian prejudice further displayed . . . Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1720.

Gentile, A. Dyer Daniel Lum. Utah and its people, by ... NY. 1882

Gentleman, A Rev. Charles Audley Absheton Ciaven, MA. The adventures of . .in search of the Church of Eng- land. L 1853.

Gentleman, A. Sir Greon/e /Stephen. Adventures of ... in search of a horse. By Caveat Emptor, Gent. L 1835.

Gentleman, A Elias Bockett. A con- gratulatory letter to the Reverend Mr. Patrick Smith, M A., Vicar of Great Pax- ton, Huntingdonshire, upon the publica- tion of ... "A Preservative against Qua- kerism." By ... L. 1731.

Gentleman, A. /Sir John Leslie. The connoisseur; or, modern fashions: a comedy in three acts By ... Inver- ness, 1818.

Gentleman, A. Thomas Skinner Surr. Consequences ; or, adventures at Braxall Castle . a novel. L. 1796.

Gentleman, A. Thomas Salmon. A critical essay concerning marriage . . L. 1724.

Gentleman, A. Paul Dudley. An essay on the merchandise ot slaves and souls of men ... B. 1731.

Gentleman, A. John Esten CooJce. Estcourt. Memoirs of ... in " Busseli's Magazine/' South Carolina

Gentleman, A. Priscilla Wakefield. Excursions in America described in let- ters from . . and his young companion to their friends in England, L 1806.

Gentleman, A. Francis Eyre, Esq. A few remarks on The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, relative chiefly to the two last chapters. By . . L. 1778.

Gentleman, A. John Hippisley. Flora : an opera ... L 1729.

Gentleman, A. Rev John White, B.D. Free and impartial considerations upon the free and candid disquisitions relating to the Church of England Addressed to the authors [John Jones] of the Dis- quisitions. By ... L. 1761 ,

Gentleman, A. Henry Penruddock Wyndham* A G/s tour through Mon- mouthshire and Wales ... in 1774. L. 1775.

Gentleman, A. Thomas Hull. Genu- ine letters from . , . to a young lady, his pupil. L. 1772.

Gentleman, A. Rev. George Harbin.

The hereditary right of the crown of Eng- land asserted ... L. 1710.

Gentleman, A Sir Henry Bate Dudley (*). History of Essex. L. 1769- 1772.

Gentleman, A. Leonard Welsted. Hymn to the Creator, written by . . in "Gent. Mag ," October, 1790, p. 936

Gentleman, A. Andieiv Wilson t M.D. Human nature surveyed by philosophy and revelation . . L. 1758.

Gentleman, A. Mr. Robinson, of Ken- dal. The intriguing milliners and attor- nies clerks . . L. 1740.

Gentleman, A. James Ramsay. A letter . . . concerning toleration. Edinb. 1703,

Gentleman, A. William Beck ford. Letters and observations written in a short tour through France and Italy. By ... L. 1786

Gentleman, A Anthony Hammond* A modest apology, occasioned by the late unhappy turn of affairs . . L. 1721.

Gentleman, A John Hatjield. A new Scarborough guide, containing cus- toms, amusements, lodging-houses . . * L. 1797

Gentleman, A. Thomas Baker. Re- flections upon learning . . L. 1708.

Gentleman, A. William Bromley* Several years' travels through Portugal, Spain, Italy . . . Performed ... L. 1702.

Gentleman, A. Edmond Hoyle* A short treatise on the game of whist. L. 1742.

Gentleman, A John Adams. Thoughts on government ... B 1788.

Gentleman (A), a Descendant of Dame Quickly. James White. Original letters ... of Sir John Falstaff and his friends ; now first made public by ... L. 1796.

Gentleman and no Knight, A. Zachary Grey, LL.D. The Knight of Dumbleton foiled at his own weapons, etc. In a letter to Sir Richard "Cocks/* knt. By . . L. 1723.

Gentleman at Halifax, A Chief Justice Martin Howard, of North Caro- lina. A letter ... to his friend in Rhode Island . . . Newport, 1705.

Gentleman educated at Yale Col- lege, A William Livingston, Esq. Phil- osophic solitude; or, the choice of a rural life a poem . . . N.Y 1847.

Gentleman formerly of Boston, A. Edward Church, Jr The Dangerous Vice . . . Columbia, 1789.

The "Dangerous Vice*' was John Adams, Also ascribed to Silvatras Bourne.