Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/124

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and elegant abode of a happy society of ladies, which the author professes to have met with in the west of England.

Gentleman resident In the Neigh- borhood, A Charles Snart. Practical observations on angling in the river Trent; by . . who has made the amuse- ment his study for upwards of twenty years. Newark, 1801.

Gentleman residing in this City, A. Samuel Latham Mitchill, M.D The pic- ture of New York . . N.Y 1807.

Gentleman who has left his Lodg- ings, A Lord John Russell Essays and sketches of life and character. L 1820.

The preface (dedicated to Thomas Moore, and omitted iu the second edition) is signed " Joseph Skillet, the lodging-house keeper," who is sup- posed to publish these letters to pay the lent due to hjm by his absconded tenant

Gentleman who has resided many years in Pennsylvania, A. William Smith, I) D. A brief state of the prov- ince of Pennsylvania . L. 1755

Gentleman who is particularly ad- dressed in the Postscript of the Vin- dication of some Passages in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Chapters of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The. Francis Eyre, Es>q A short appeal to the publick. L. 171)9.

Gentleman, who resided five years on the Island, A. John Campbell. An exact and authentic account of the great- est white-herring fishery in Scotland . . . L. 1750.

Gentleman, who resided some time in Philadelphia, A. Rev. Jacob Duchf. Caspipina's letters . . . Bath, 1777.

Gentleman who was an Officer under that general, A James Biggs. History of Miranda ... L. 1809.

Gentleman who was a Swede, A. George Sthalberg. An history of the late revolution in Sweden . . . Edinb. 1776.

Gentleman who was in the Town, A John Michelborne Ireland preserved j or, the siege of London-derry . . . Dub- lin, 1739.

Gentleman, Walking, A. Thomas Colley Grattan. Highways and by eways. L. 1823.

Gentleman-Commoner of Oxford, A. Rev, Samuel Croxall. The fair Cir- cassian : a dramatic performance. L. 1720.

Gentleman. Farmer, A, Henry Utrick Reay, Esq. A short treatise on that useful invention called the " sports- man's friend; or, the farmer's footman," By ... of Northumberland . . . Newcas- tle, 1801.

Geologist, A. Hugh Miller. Ram- hies of a geologist B 1858.

Geologist, A. William PengeHy. Scraps from, my note-book. By . . in "Once a TYeek." 1871.

George, Farmer. Geoiye III, of England.

"It is well known that the King's speech, on the opening of the session of 1770, spoke oi the disease among the turned cattle, instead of at- tending to the violent agitation, and the more important topics of the time Hence he obtained the name of " Faroiei George "

George, Uncle Rev Increase Niles Tarlox. Uncle George's stories. B. 1868.

George, Amara. Mathilde (Binder) Kaufniann. Dissonanzen und Akkorde. Mainz, 1879.

George, Quiet George Fredenck Pardon. The juvenile museum ... L. 1849.

Georgia JJa'wyer, A. Robert M. Charlton Leaves from the portfolio of . . in the N.Y " Knickerbocker Mag- azine "

Geraint. JFiank Me Hale.

Gerald, Liouise. Mile Mathilde de Lacoste. Pseudonym used by her in sev- eral novels.

Gfcrard, Max. Charles de Courcy. Entre homines, vaudeville . . . 1868.

German Barber, The. Julian E. Ralph, in his contributions to various periodicals.

German Countess, A Ida Maria Louisa Gustava, Grufinn Halm-Halm. Letters of . . 1843-44. L 1845

German Milton, The. Friedrich Gott- lieb Klopstod.

German Nobleman, A. Francis J. Grand. Aristocracy in America; from the sketch-book of . . , L. 1839.

German Prince, A. Heimann Lud- wig Heinnch von Puck?er-Muskau. Tour in Germany, Holland, and England, 1826- 27 ... L. 1832,

German Voltaire, The. Christoph Martin Wiehnd

Gershom. Maj.-Gen. Julius Edmund Goodwyn. Antitypical parallels . . , L. I860.

Gertrude. Mrs, Jane Gross (Bell) Simpson. The piety of daily life. Illus- trated Iby tales, by ... L. 1836. She also contributed to the "Edinburgh Literary Journal" of Feb. 26, 1831, under this pseudonym, the well-known hymn " Go when* the morning shineth."

Gcerundio, Fray. Modesto Lafuente. Teatro social del siglo XIX. Madrid. 184-.