Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/132

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H, Li. C. Lama Center Holloivay, in her contributions to various periodi- cals.

H., L. C. L. C Hill. Laure: the history of a blighted life P. 1872.

H. M. W. H. Logan See " A Gen- tleman in Town."

H., M. Afuiat Halsfead, in his letters to the " Cincinnati Commercial/'

H., M. Mrs. M Hnllah A few words about music ... L. 1851.

H., M. Matilda Hoislitrgh. Henry Morgan ; or, the sower and the seed . . Edmb. 1863.

H., M. Maria Hack. A popular account of St. Paul's cathedral, etc. By ... L. 1816.

H., M H. Mayo H Haseltine, in the "New York Sun"

H. M'K. Rev. H. M. Mackenzie. The lay of the Turings L. 1849.

H., M. R. Mis. Mary R. Higham. Athol N.T. 1873.

H., M. W. M. W Haseltine, in his criticisms in the "Sun" (N.Y.).

H., N. N HerncJc. History of the five wise philosophers ... L. 1711.

H.,N. Nathaniel Holmes. "The Shake- spearean myth "... by ... In the St Louis " Globe Democrat," November 17, 1881.

H. N. Miss Gnqgs. Songs for the Sorrowing . . . N.Y. 1861.

H., P., M.D. Paul Hijfernan, M.D. Remarks on an ode on the death of his royal highness, Frederick, Prince of Wales. L. 1752.

BU R. Robert Hobson. The guide to Dovedale, Ham, and scenes adjacent. By , : . Ashbourn, 1841.

H,, R. Rev. Richard Harvey. Hymns for young persons. L. 1834.

H., R. Robert Hawker. The plant of renown ... L. 1805.

H., R., ESQL, near forty years a Practitioner in this Art Robert Hew- lett. The angler's sure guide j or, angling improved, and methodically digested . . . L. 1706.

H., R. C. Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. Hints to travellers in Italy. By ... L. 1815.

" Among his communications to the ' Q-ent. Mag.' were, February, 1823, p. 113, an account of a Roman bath found at Farley; in August, 1837, p. 113, an account of a Roman Tilla at Lit- tleton, Somerset; and in January, 1830, p. 17, an account of a Roman villa at Pitney, Somerset."

H., R. S. Rev Robert Stephen Hawker, %LA, Mawgan of Melluach, the Cor- nish wrecker. Verses signed . . . With a woodcut. "Once a Week," viii., 601- 602. 1862-63.

H., R. S Robeit S. Hunt. Musings on Psalm cxix Oxf 1878.

H., R. S Robot S. Holland. The pastoral relation Erom the " Church Journal " (N.Y 1850).

H,, S. Sophia Hume. A caution to such as observe days and times ... By ... L. 1754.

H. S. Ralph Thomas Going to the bar Contributed to "Cobbctt's Maga- zine," 1832

H., S Spencer Hall Suggestions for the classification of the library now col- lecting at the Athenaeum [club]. L. 1858.

H., S. J., Esquire. St. John Honey- wood, JEsq. Poem on reading President Washington's address declining a re- election to the presidency . . . Albany, 1700.

H., T. Thornton Hunt, in Lamb's " Elia." Witches and other night-fears.

H., T. Thomas Hewetdine The country-curate to the country-people . . . L. 1701.

H , T. Captain Thomas Hamilton Men and manners in America. Ediub. 1833.

H, T., Pharniacop. Rustlcan. T. Hickes. A compleat treatise of urines . . . L. 1703

H. } T B , R.A T B. Hwjcn th, R A The griffinage of the Hon. Newman Strange... L. 1862.

H., T. R. jP. R IL'ffham. A dialogue between Tim Thomas and Bill Bilkey, two Cornish miners . . . Truro, I860.

H., T. S. Thulia Susannah Henderson. Olga; or, Russia in the 10th century. L. 1855.

H., W. William JIastitt, in Lamb's. "Elia." Some sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney.

H., W. William HorsndL The ice- bound ship and the dream . . . Mon- treal, 1860.

H., W, Gent. William Hunt. The fall of Tarqtum; a tragedy. York, 1713.

H., W., Jimr. William Hodgson. The life and travels of John Pember- ton . . . L. 1844.

H., W. B William JBeadon Heath- cote, B.C. L. The Psalter... Oxf. 1845.

H., W. B. Rev. William JSdtmrd Heijgate. The death of King Gcren- nius. Truro, 1848,

H., W. H. William Henry Herbert, in the New York "World."

H., W H, William Henri/ Harvey, M.D. Charles and Josiah; or, friendly conversations between a Churchman and a Quaker. L. 1862.