Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/14

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Aetsea. Mrs Elizabeth Cary Agassiz A first lesson in natural history. B. 1859.

Acton, Lilewellin. Wynne Edit in Baxter Perseverance ... L. 1863

Actor, An Pieice Egan. The life of L. 1825.

Actress, An Mrs Anna Cora ( Ogden ZLouatt} Ritchie Autobiography of . .; or, eight years on the stage. B 1854

Actual Settler, An H Y Read Suggestions on ... colonization through the . . allotment system By ... Mon- treal, 1865.

Adair, James Sir Richard Phillips. Five hundred questions and exercises on Murray's . . English grammar L. 1824.

" Adam " Arthur Hugh Clough.

In his Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich, Eobbes was Ward Hunt, Adam, Clough himself, Lmd- say, F E. Johnson of Christ Church , Hewson, J, S Winder of Onel , Arthur, H. W. Fisher of Christ Church, Aiihe, J. Deacon of Onel, and Sir Hector . , Mr, Farquharson.

Adam, Onkel Carl Anton Wetter- bergh The fatal chain Prom the Swed- ish of . . 1864.

Adam, Uncle. George Mogndge The Chinese By ... L. 1845

Adam, Adam Fitz. Edward Mooie, R. 0. Cambridge, Hoi ace Walpole, Lord Chesterfield, etc. The world L 1755-57.

Adam, Christian Carl Christian Thorvaldus Andersen. Strid og 3?red. Et Digt i sex sange. Copenhagen, 1858.

Adams, Moses. Dr. George W. Bagby. For Virginians only What I did with my fifty millions. By ... P. 1874.

Adams, Stephen. M Maybnck. A prominent English singer and writer of music. Among other songs he was the author of " Nancy Lee," of which more than 100,000 copies were sold.

Adams, Will John NeaL Errata; or, the works of Will Adams : a novel. 1822.

Addle. Adelaide J. Cooky. Snow- flake's pleasure-book; sunshine for dull days N.T 1879.

Ad***gt*n, Dr. Dr. A Addington. An appeal to the public; or, a review of the conduct of Dr Ad ng n to Dr. Pigott. 1754.

Addison, D. C. Chatles Addison Daniel! The street-singer a poem. Chicago, 1880.

Addison, The American Joseph Denme. 1768-1812

Addison of the North, The. Henry Mackenzie. 1754-1831.

Addums,Mozis. Dr. George W. Bagby. Letters to Billy Irvins in the " Southern Literary Messenger."

Adelaide. Miss Elizabeth Bogart, who, under this nom de plume, published her

first poem in the " Long Island Star " (Brooklyn), in 1825

Adeler, Max O/iai'es Ilebcr ClcnL. Out of the hurly-burly, or, lite in an odd corner. By . . P 1874

Adeline. Mis E. JF A Sergeant Ernald; or, the martyr of the Alps and other poems . . With an introduction by A. L 1843

Adept, An. Charles Johnston Chrysal; or, the adventures of a guinea ... By L. 1760.

Adhemar, Mme la C sse D'. Baton J^tienne Le'on Lamothc-Langvn Souvenirs sur Marie-Antoinette . . . et sur la Gour- de Versailles . . . Pans, 1836

Adina. Rev. Joseph H. Ingraham The pnnce of the house of David; or, three years in the Holy City ... L. 1850.

Adirondack Lucius E Ghittenden Capture of Ticonderoga Rutland, Vt. 1872

Adjutor. Rev. Joseph Bietland, in the " Theological Repository." L

Admiral. Admiral Bui net/. See Lamb's "Elia": "The Wedding."

Admirer of Chivalry, An, Edward Francis Head Poltroonius; a tragic farce m one act B. 1856

Admirer of the Fine Arts, An. F D. Astley Varnishando . a serio-comic poem. Manchester, 1809.

Admirer of a Great Genius, An. Stephen Weston A short account of the late Mr E. Porson ... L. 1808.

Admirer of Monarchy and Episco- pacy, An Zachary Grey, LL.D. Eng- lish Presbyterian eloquence . . By ... L. 1736.

Admirer of Walter Scott, An John Roby. The lay of the poor fiddler . . . L. 1814

Admonish Crime. Hev James Cook Richmond. He published a pamphlet at Boston under the anagram of "Admon- ish Crime."

Adna, Aunt. Mrs. Mary S. B. Dana. Author of numerous tales for children, etc.

Adolf, L Adolf Lasson. Herzenstille, Lieder und Spruche. 1867.

Adrian. James L. Cole. He published some fugitive poetry in the "New York Statesman " and in the " Ontario Reposi- tory, 5 ' under that signature.

Adrian. Anne Kent. Evelyn Stuart; or, Right versus Might. By A. L. 1846

Adrienne. Mrs. J. P. CreswelL

Adrienne. Miss Susan Q. Hooper. During the war one of the most prominent contributors to the "Magnolia Weekly," Richmond, Va