Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/142

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Howadjl. George William Curtis. The Nile notes of .. N.Y. 1867.

Howard. JZoland F+ Coffin.

Howard. Joseph Dewey Fay (the father of Theodore S Fay), who was an earnest advocate of the abolition of im- prisonment for debt, m numerous con- tributions to the public journals, under this signature.

Howard. Mordecai Manuel Noah Essays on domestic economy. Originally published in the "National Advocate "

Howard, Caroline. Mrs. Caroline Howard (Gilman G-lover) Jervey. A strange family L. 1870.

Howard, Daisy. Myra Daisy J/c- Crum.

Howard, George, Esq. Lieut. Fran- cis C. Laird, R.N Lady Jane Grey and her times ... L 1822

Howard, Harvey. Will S. Faris.

Howard, H. Li Charles Jeremiah Wells. Joseph and his brethren a scrip- tural drama ... L. 1824. See "Fort- nightly Rev.," Vol. XVII , pp. 217, 232.

Howard of "The Times." Joseph Howard, Jr., in his contributions to the "Press" (P.), etc.

Howe, Henry. Henry Howe Hutchin- son. A nom de tke'dtre.

Howe, Mary. Jonathan Swift, D D. A letter to Miss Susannah Neville. 1732.

Hubbell, Myron. William E Mc- Elroy.

Hudson, Frank George Kimball

Hughson, David, LL.D Edward Pugh. An epitome of the privileges of London ... L. 1816.

Hugomont, Edmond Hugh E. Montgomeiie, author of the novels and translations which appeared m the " Lit- erary Garland," Montreal, under this sig- nature.

Hull, Mr. Tom Hill. The "Mr. Hull" of Theodore Hook's "Gilbert Gurney," and the " Paul Pry " of John Poole.

Hum, O., & Co. Frederic Saunders lafe in New York. Edited [or rather written] by ... N.Y. 1839.

Humble Expectant of the Promise, An. Rev. William Burgh, The coming of the Day of God . . . Dublin, 1826.

Humbug, Dr. Joseph Reed. Madrigal and Trulletta. A mock tragedy . . . With notes by the author . . . critic and censor-general. L. 1758.

Humm, Sir Henry. George Alexan- der Stevens. Distress upon distress ; or, tragedy in true taste. A heroi-comi- parodi-tragedi-farci-cal burlesque. In two acts [and in verse] . . . With anno-

tations . . by Sir H H. and notes . . by Paulus Purgantius Pedasculus ... L. 1752

Humphries, Jack. Jonathan F. Kelly, better known by his signatures of " Falconbridge," "Jack Humphries/' and " Stampede."

Hun nib ee, Kate. Mrs Laura E. Li/man, joint author of "Philosophy of housekeeping." Hartford, 1860

Hunter Pailer Gillmore. Hunter's adventures in the great West. L. 1871.

Hunter, A. Gapt . Flack. A hunter's ex- periences in the Southern States. L 1806.

Hunter, Harry. Oi/rus West Field

Hunter, Harry. Henry Gibson.

Hunter, Harry. Jame L. Gould.

Hunter, W. Ord. Irving Brown. See " Curdle, Cream."

Huntington A. H. Clapp, D.D.

Huntington, Faye. Mrs. I H. Fos- ter Mrs. Deane's way B 1875.

Huntsman, A. Thomas Assheton Smith Extracts from the diary of ... L. 1888.

Huntsman, A Hon. George CJiai/es Grantley-Fitz-Hai dmge BeiLeleij. Remi- niscences of . L 186-

Hurlbut, Loammi N , M D. James Hammond Trumbull, used m a series of papers in the "Independent" entitled " Limbus librorum "

Hurlothrumbo. Thomas Simpson, who " proposed and resolved many que&- tions in the ' Ladies' Diaries/ sometimes under his own name and sometimes under fictitious names, such as * Hurlo- thrumbo/ 'Kubernetes/ 'Patrick O'Cave- nah/ 'Marmaduke Hodgson/ 'Anthony Shallow, Esq / and probably others. See ' Diaries ' for 1735-60." CHALMEHS, Vol. 28

Hush, Bob. Su fiobert Walpole. Cameronian Whigs no patriots ; or, some remarkable exploits of Bob Hush. L. 1713

Hyacinth e, Le pere La Pere Charles Jean Mane Lot/son. Discours prononce* au congres de Malines.

Hydrant Chuck J F. Mai tin, in his contributions to the "Fireman's Journal" (NY.).

Hydrophilus. Rev. Thomas FenwicL See "Blue Bonnet"

Hygeist, The. James Honson, Esq., the vender of the "Vegetable Universal Medicines" commonly known as Mori- son's pills.

Hyperion. Josiah Qmncy, Jr., m the " Boston Gazette and Country Journal/' Sept. 28 and Oct. 5, 1707, and Nov. 25, 1771.