Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/159

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vii. [Same title.] New Edition, con- tinued to the end of November, 1769. L., Almon, 1769, 8vo.

viu. * Interesting Letters selected- from the Correspondence of Messrs. Wilkes, Home [Tooke], Beckford, and Junius. With anecdotes never before published L , Nicholl, 1769, 8vo.

This is a small pamphlet of 64 pages, and a parody on the subject

ix. A Vindication of the D of

G [i.e. the Duke of Graf ton], m

Answer to a Letter signed "Junius" in- serted in the "Public Advertiser" of Saturday, the 18th of March. L , Nich- oll, 1769 8vo.

x. Two Letters from Junius to the

D of G , on the Sale of a Patent

Place in the Customs at Exeter. To which is added, a Letter from Junius, containing an Address supposed to have been made to a Great Personage. Taken from the "Public Advertiser." L. [no publisher's name], December, 1769. 8vo.

xi. * An Address to Junius on his Let- ter in the "Public Advertiser," Dec. 19, 1769. L. [no publisher's name]

1769. 8vo.

A pamphlet, m which the letters are attributed to Wilkes A second edition appeared in 1770.

xii The Twelve Letters of Canana: on the impropriety of petitioning the King to dissolve the Parliament. L. [? a publisher's name] 1770. 8vo.

A pamphlet of 44 pages, and exceedingly scarce. See also "K"otes and Queries," 2d Ser., vi. 44.

xiii. Two Remarkable Letters of Ju- nms and the Freeholder, addressed to

the K [i.e. the King], with Answers

and Strictures. L. [no publisher's name]

1770. 8vo.

A pamphlet entitled " The King's Answer to Junius " appeared in Philadelphia tho following year

xiv. Letters of Junius. Dublin [? a publisher's name], 1770. 8vo.

A volume of 108 pages, and evidently a reprint of Almon's collection of the early letters. See v., vi., and vii., ante.

XT. A complete Collection- of Junius's Letters, with those of Sir William Dra- per. L., A. Thomson, 1770. 8vo.

This publisher issued a second edition with the snme title m March or April, 1770, which con- tainod the letter of March 19th ; a third edition in June, 1770, with the letters of April 3d and Kay 2Sth , and a fourth edition in August, 1770, which contained the lettei of August 22d, ad- dressed to Lord North.

xvi. Junius *s Political Axioms, ad- dressed to twelve millions of People in Great Britain and Ireland. L., V. Grif- fith, s. a. [} 1770], 8vo.

xvn. *The Letters of Junius. L. [no publisher's name] 1770 12mo.

This is J.Wheble's original edition, but does not "bear hie name. There is a vignette Cap of Liberty on the title-page. This work served Junius as copy for his edition of 1772. It con- cludes with the Letter to Lord North, dated Aug. 22, 1770. The second edition appeared the same year, bore Wheble's name on page 247, and ended -with the letter to Mansfield dated 2s ov. 14, 1770. The fiist portion of the second volume also appealed toward the end of 1770, and the second portion, the following year, "Wheble published two editions dated 1771, which must have appeared after Woodfall's edition; as the first of them concludes with the note about Home Tooke, and the second contains the Philo-Junius Letters, and a letter to Lord Apsley dated February^ 1775 ! ! ! See also xxn. et seq.

xvni Letters addressed to the King, the Duke of Grafton, the Earls of Ches- terfield and Sandwich, Lord Barnngton, Junius, and the Rev. Mr. Home [Tooke], under the signature of " P, P. S." L. [* a publisher's name] 1771. 8vo.

xix. *An Answer to Junius. shewing his imaginary Ideas and false Principles, his wrong Positions and random Conclu- sions. L., Organ, 1771. 8vo.

xx. *The genuine Letters of Junius, to which are prefixed Anecdotes of the Author. Piccadilly [no publisher's name], 1771. 8vo.

This is called the "Piccadilly Edition," and contains 366 pages. Lowndes thinks, fiom inter- nal evidence, that there was an earlier edition, dated 1770, and ending on page 255. The author- ship is fathered on Burke.

xxi. * Junius. L, Woodfall, 1772. 2 vols. 12mo.

The first authorized edition, printed under the author's inspection , preceded by a dedication of 10 pages, a preface of 22, and illustrated with notes. It was published Maich 3, 1772, without table of contents or index, but was le-issued about March, 1773, with both. Many years afterwards, the remaining copies of either this edition or a verbatim reprint appear to have been sold off, and the date erased by the purchaser from the title-page; which accounts foi a supposed edition without date LOWNDES.

Ewmg, a Dublin publisher, issued a reprint of "Woodfairg edition this same year, and added fourteen new letters, either written by, or re- plied to by Junius.

See also "Eotes and Queries," 1st Ber., vi. 224, for a supposed edition of 1771.

xxii. The Letters of Junius. L., Wheble, 1772. 2 vola. 12mo.

[See xvn ante."] The title-page of vol. 2 is struck off fiom the same copperplate, and "vol. 2" is introduced in type; and the MiDCCLSSI. is turned into MDOOL&SII. by the addition of I., also in type. This edition, or at least the second volume ot it, could not have been published until after January 21, 1772, as it contains the letter to Lord Camden LOWNDES.

Numerous editions of the Letters were pub- lished during the succeeding twenty years, none of which call for any special notice.

xxiii. The Hights of the Sailors via-