Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/183

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Lover of his Memory, A. John Rhodes. Fruits of a father's love : being the advice of William Penn to his chil- dren ... L 1726.

Lover of History, A. Zachary Grey, LL.D A caveat against Mr Berij Ben- net, a meer pretender to history and criti- cism. By ... L. 1724.

Lover of Literature, A. Thomas Green, Esq. Diary of ... Ipswich, 1810.

Lover of Mankind, A. Anthony Benezet. The Mighty Destroyer dis- played ... the dreadful havock made by the . . use as well as abuse of distilled spintuoits liquors. By ... P. 1774.

Lover of Mankind and of Common Sense, A. John Wesley. The desidera- tum ; or, electricity made plain and use- ful. By... L. 1769.

Lover of Old England, A. Daniel Defoe. Mercurius politicus . . . L. 1720

Lover of Order, A. Rev. Joseph Bretland, in the "Theological Reposi- tory (L.).

Lover of Order, A. William God- win (?). Considerations on Lord Gren- ville's and Mr. Pitt's bills, concerning treasonable and seditious practices, etc. By... L.1795.

Lover of Peace and Order, A. Esther Tuke. An address to the inhabi- tants of the city of York . . . By . . . York, about 1794.

Lover of Peace and the Public Good, A. John Humfreif. Letters to Parliament-Men ... L. 1701.

Signed "J. H."

Lover of Peace and Truth, A. Joseph Priestley. A free address to those who have petitioned for the repeal of the late act of parliament, in favour of the Roman Catholics. L. 1780.

Lover of Peace and Truth in this Church, A Rev. James Adams. Mar- row-chicaning displayed ... n p. 1726.

Lover of Stability. Noah Webster. Article in the " Hampshire Gazette."

Lover of that innocent and health- ful diversion, A. George Smith. "The Angler's Magazine" . . . (L. 1754).

Lover of that People, A. John Barclay. An affectionate address to such of the people called Mends as reside in London and its vicinity. By ... L.1818.

Lover of the Church of England, A. Patrick Drewe. The Church of Eng- land's late conflict with, and triumph over, the spirit of fanaticism ... L. 1710.

Lover of the Fine Arts, A. Maria

(Gowen) * Brooks. Judith, Esther, and other poems ... B. 1820.

Lover of the Gospel, A. Joseph Priestley D.D. A familiar illustration of certain passages of scripture ... L. 1772.

Lover of the Gospel, A. Thomas Reader. A letter to ... [Dr. Priestley! ... L. 1772.

Lover of the Protestant Religion, A. Rev. William Wright. The Jacobite curse . . . Glasgow, 1714.

Lover of the Publick Welfare, A. Andrew Stevenson. De mumcipum jura- mento . . . Edinb. 1746.

Lover of the Pare Gospel, A. Sil- vanus Gibbs. The Calvinistic doctrine of election and reprobation exploded : in a letter to a friend . . . Plymouth-Dock, 1820,

Lover of the Truth, A. Jonathan Warne. The Babel of Quakerism thrown down ... L. 1739.

Lover of the Truth in Fife, A. Rev . Wdliam Campbell, of Dysart. A just view of the principles of the Presbytery of Belief . . . Edinb. 1778.

Lover of the Word, A. Harvey A. Ingham. Glad tidings; or, walks with the wonderful . . . Rochester, N.Y., 1868.

Lover of Truth, A. Thady Fitzpat- rick. SeeT.P."

Lover of Truth, A. George Coade, Jr., of Exeter. A letter to a clergyman relating to his sermon on the 30th Janu- ary, n.p. 1746.

Lover of Truth, A. Rev. David Wilson. A modest apology for the con- duct of Seceders ... L. 1773.

Lover of Truth and Decency, A. John JEwer, Bishop of Landaff , A vindica- tion of the Bishop of Landaffs sermon . . . N.Y. 1768.

Lover of Truth and Liberty, A. James Ralph. The history of England during the reigns of K. William, Q. Anne, and K. George I. ... L. 1744.

Lover of Truth and Mankind uni- versally. Francis Hatt. Friendly ad- vice to children and all mankind in gen- eral ... By ... n.p. 1765.

Lover of Truth and Peace, A. Rev. Arthur Ashley 8ykes. The external peace of the Church only attainable by a zeal for Scripture in its just latitude ... I/. 1716.

Lover of Truth and the British Constitution, A, Caleb 'Evans, D.D. A letter to ... John Wesley on his Calm Address to the American Colonies . . . L. 1775.