Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/185

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Dibdin, who was the " Lysander " of his own " Bibliomania."

Lysander. James Cheetham. Annals of the Corporation relative to the late contested elections . . . N.Y 1802.

IJysander. William P. Van Ness. A correct statement of the late melancholy affair of honor between General Hamil-

ton and Colonel Burr . . . July 11, 1804 . . By... NY. 1804.

Liyttelton, Lord. William Coombe, Esq. Lord L.'s letters. L. 1784.

Lyttte, Byrd. E. Victona Lomax. Mary Austin ; or, the new home. P 1870.

Ijyulph. H. R. Lumley. Something hke a nugget : a drama. By ... L, 1868.


M. Mr. Macintosh, editor of the " Buffalo News/* in his contributions to various periodicals.

M. Thomas Manning, the Cambridge mathematical tutor. See Lamb's "Elia," " Dissertation on Roast Pig," and " The Old and New Schoolmaster/'

M. Maunde, dismissed schoolmas- ter. See Lamb's "Elia," "Christ's Hospital"

M. Mai/nard, who hanged himself. See Lamb's "Elia," "The South-Sea House."

M. Joseph Mellish, his signature to a paper in the " Microcosm," published at Eton College, 1787.

M. Rev. Gerard Moultrie, who contrib- uted 35 hymns to the "People's Hymnal " (1867), some of which are signed "M," others with the initials of his nom de plume, " D. P ," for " Desiderius Pastor " ; and one is signed " The Primer "

M. Alexander Pope. See " Bavius."

M. Rev. William Lewis Rham, his well-known signature in the London " Gardeners' Chronicle."

M. Matthew F Ward.

M. Sir George Steuart Mackenzie,

Bart. A letter to William Rae, Esq

on the public execution of criminals. Edmb. 1815

M. Hugh Miller. Letters on the herring fishing in the Moray Frith. In- verness, 1820.

M., tie Marquis de. M. Moise Schwab. Melanges bibliographiques. Marseilles, 1880.

M., Mrs. Mrs. Basil Montagu. See Lamb's "Elia," "Oxford in the Vaca- tion."

M., A. A. Mannington. Footprints of the holy dead ; trans L. 1868.

M., A, Alfred Miles. A word or two on the Liturgy. By ... L. 1837.

M., A., Esquire. Daniel Defoe. See " Moreton, Andrew, Esq."

M., A, a Layman Alexander Murray. A clear display of the Trinity from

Divine Revelation . . . By ... L. 1773.

M., A. B. Arthur Bache Matthews, as editor of the "Riots at Birmingham. July, 1791... L. 1863.

M., A. B. Rev. Artemas Bowers Muz- zey. The Sabbath School Service and Hymn Book . . . B. 1855.

M., A. C. Agnes O. Maitland. Elsie: a Lowland sketch. L. 1875.

M., A. D. Louis Charles Alfred de Musset, as translator of De Quincey's "Confessions of an English Opium Eater" (1828), etc.

M., A D , H.F.S A. Albf Ang Denis McQuin. A description of more than three hundred animals . . . By . . .. L. 1872.

M., A. S. A. S. Moffat Cedar Brook stories ; or, the Clifford children ... B. 1864.

M., A. W. Agnes W. Mitchell. The smuggler's son. P. 1842.

M. B. Rev. Roger Baxter, SJ. The Alexandria controversy; or, a series of letters between . . . and Quaero, on the tenets of Catholicity . . . Georgetown, D C., 1817.

M , B. Mrs. Barbara (Miller) Macan- drew. Ezekiel, and other poems. Edinb. 1872.

M., B. Bernard de MandeMlle. Pree thoughts on religion ... L. 1720.

M., B. Barclay de Mounteney. Letter to Lord Brougham on the elective fran- chise. L. 18S9.

M., B. Bezaleel Morris. A letter to Mr. Theobald, in verse, against Mr. P. . . . (i.e. Alex. Pope) contributed to the " Daily Journal," June 11, 1728.

M. B.j Draper. Jonathan jSwift. A letter to the people of Ireland. Dublin, 1729.

The letter is signed " Publicola."

M. B., Drapler. Jonathan Swift* The Drapier letters. 1724.

These letters were directed against the coinage of farthings and half-pence, and resulted in theii