Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/191

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correspondent of the "London Herald" and "London Standard" under this signature.

Manley, Jack. The stories in the "Boys and Girls' Weekly" (N.Y.) over this pseudonym were partly written by Alfred Trumble and partly by Charles Hull Webb.

Manlius. Christopher Gore. Manlius; with notes and references. B. 1794.

Mann, Nellie A. Helen A. Manville. Heart echoes: book of poems. N.Y. 1874.

Mannering, Max. Josiah Gilbert Holland, in the "Springfield Republican" in 1830-51.

Mannering, May. Mrs. Harriet P. H. Nowell. Helping hand series. B. 187-.

Manners, Mrs. Mrs. Cornelia H. (Bradley) Richards At home and abroad; or, how to behave. N.Y. 1853.

Manners, Mrs. Horace. Algernon Charles Swinburne, his signature in the "Tatler" (L.).

Manners, Motley. Augustine J. H. Duganne. Parnassus in Pillory: a satire. N.Y. 1851.

Mansfield, Walworth. W. H. Walton. Love for life. 18-.

Manson, James B., Bannockburn. James Murray. The Bible in school … Edinb. 1852.

Manton, Kate. Mrs. S. G. Knight.

Manuel, Elrnest. Ernest L'Epine. Lalegende de Croque-Mitaine. Paris, 1863.

Maori. James Inglis. Sport and work on the Nepaul frontier; or, twelve years' sporting reminiscences of an indigo planter. L. 1878.

Maple-Knot. Ebenezer Clemo. The life and adventures of Simon Seek; or, Canada in all shapes. Montreal, 1858.

Mar, Helen. Mrs. D. M. F. Walker.

Marble, Major. Rev. Henry T. Cheever. The whale and its captors. N.Y. 1849.

Marcellus. John Quincy Adams, who, 1790-94, varied his law practice by occasional communications to the "Boston Centinel" signed "Publicola" and "Marcellus."

Marcellus. Allan Ramsay, Jr., in his contributions to the "Public Advertiser" (L. about 1776), on the war with America.

Marcellus. Amd& Marteau, in "L'Esprit des Femmes." Paris, 1860.

MarceUus. Noah Webster. Letter

to the Honorable Daniel Webster on the political affairs of the United States. P. 1837.

Marcb, Anne. Constance Fenimore Woolson. The old stone house ... B. 1873.

March, Marjorie. Augusta Liebich, in her contributions to the " House- hold."

March, Walter. Odando Bolivar Willcox. Shoepac recollections. N.Y. 1856.

Marcliffe, Theophilus. William God- win. The looking-glass: a true history of the early years of an artist [William Mulready, B A.] . . . L. 1805.

Marcoy, Paul Lorenzo de Saint- Cricq. Travels in South America from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Translated from the French. L. 1875.

Marcullus. Philip G. Kershaw. Re- flections on itinerary parliaments . . . Montreal, 1856

Marcus. William Charles Wells, M.D. In the latter part of the year 1780 he published an account of Mr. Henry Laurens, some time president of the American Congress, m the form of a letter under the signature of "Marcus," to the printer of the "Public Adver- tiser."

Marcus. Oliver Wolcott. British in- fluence in the affairs of the United States proved and explained. B. 1804.

Marcus. Joseph Blunt An examina- tion of the expediency and constitution- ality of prohibiting slavery in the State of Missouri . . . N.Y. 1819.

Marcus. William P. Van Ness. Let- ters addressed to De Witt Clinton, Esq.. ... N.Y. 1810.

These letters originally appeared in the " Pougbkeepsie Barometer," 1805.

Marcus. Matthew L. Davis. The plot discovered. Poughkeepsie, 1807. See also "Philo-Cato."

Margaret, Aunt. Miss Margaret (?) Buchan, a well-kno-vm writer for the "St. Nicholas" in 1883, became princi- pal of Wolfe Hall, a school for young ladies at Denver, Colorado.

Maria. Clemens Brentano. Satyren uncl poetische Spiele. Leipsic, 1800.

Maria del Occidente. Mrs. Maria (Gowen) Brooks, ^vho, in "The Doctor" is styled by Southey "the most impas- sioned and the most imaginative of all poetesses," and who received from him the name of " Maria del Occidente."

Marlaker, Bile. ]variste Otfprien Felix Boulay-Paty. Odes nouvelles. Paris, 1844.