Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/241

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worth], trans, from the Arabic of ... N.Y 1811

Philodemus. Joseph Clegg. A cor- rect translation of the charter of Liver- pool . . . Liverpool, 1757.

PhUoglottus. Richard Parler. An essay on the usefulness of Oriental learn- ing. L. 1739.

Philojuvenis. C.J.Hambio. Edda; or, tales of a grandmother . . . Edited by . . . L. 1847.

Philokalist, A. Felix Paul Wierz- btcki. The ideal man ... B. 1842.

Philolegis, Tyro Gov. William Liv- ingston, who, in 1745, published two essays under this signature in Parker's " New York Weekly Post Boy " on the mode of studying law which then pre- vailed

Philomath, J J. Joseph Jenkins. A lecture on future punishment. Penzance, 1867.

Philomath : Oxoniensis. Richard Waller, B.D. A few words in favour of Professor Powell . . . Oxf. 1832.

Philomaurl. James Moore Smith, in a communication to the " Daily Journal" (L., Mar. 18, 1728) relative to Alexander Pope.

Philomirth, Aaron. John Hamilton Pan . My book . . . Liverpool, 1821.

Philomneste, Junior Gustave Bru- nei La bibliomanie en 1878. Paris, 1878.

Philomorus. Rev. John Howard Marsden. Philomoras- an examination of the Latin poems of Sir Thomas More. L. 1842.

IliXo'fiowos. Charles Wallington. Is- mael, an Oriental tale; with other poems. [Of Bulwer-Lytton. With a preface signed . . .] L. 1820.

Philonagnostes Criticus. Thomas Herne, M A. See " Phileleutherus Can- tabrigiensis/'

Philonomus Eleutherus. Dr. John Arbuthnot. See " Eminent Lawyer of the Temple, An."

Philopatria. Thomas Paine. A dis- course shewing that the real first cause of the straits and difficulties of this prov- ince of the Massachusetts Bay is its extravagancy ... B. 1721.

Philopatria. Rachel Fanny Antonina Lee. An essay on government by ... L. 1808.

Philopatris. Rev. Thomas Burgess. Letters ... to Dr. Phillimore . . . L. 1810.

Reprinted from the " Morning Post."

Phfiopatris Varvicensis. Samuel Parr, D.D, Characters of the late Charles James Fox . . . L. 1809.

Philopenes John Dormer. Usury explained ... L. 1818.

Philopis. Prof. James Marsh, who, under this signature, published papers in the "Vermont Chronicle," 1829, on "Popular Education."

Philopolites. William Pettman. A letter to W. A Miles ... L. 1808.

PhUopolities. Rev. Benjamin Pres- cott. Free and calm consideration of the misunderstandings between the Parlia- ment of Great Britain and the American colonies. Salem, 1774.

Philopropos. William Duncombe.

"In 1728, a letter by Mr. Duncombe, signed

  • Philopropos,' -was printed in the ' London Jour-

nal * o March 30, containing some animadver- sions on the 'Beggar's Opera' .. . And the same popular entertainment having been soon after most seasonably condemned in a sermon preached at Lincoln's-Inn chapel by Dr. Herring ... in a subsequent letter on the same subject in the London Journal ' of April 20, subscribed ' Benevolus/ he paid a just compliment, etc."

Philopyrphagus Ashburniensls.

Elhs Farneworth.

" Mr. Farneworth is supposed to have been the author of a ludicrous and pleasant account of Powell, the fire-eater, in Gent. Mas ,' 1755 (p. 59], signed ' Philopyrphagus Ashburnien- sis.' " See CHALMERS, Vol. 14.

Phil-orthos. George Johnstons. The eternal obligation of natural religion . . . L. 1702.

Philorthos. William Fredei ich Poole. The orthographical hobgoblin . . . Springfield, Mass , 1856.

Philos. Rev. James Challen, in his contributions to reviews, periodicals, etc.

Philosopher, A. Ckailes Babbage. Passages from the life of ... L. 1864.

Philosopher of Wimbledon, The. John Home Tooke.

Phllostratus. Thomas' Foster, F.B S. f MB. Somatopsychonoologia ... L.1823.

Philotesis. Daniel Roberts. Seasons why the Society of Friends should not vote for Members of Parliament, etc. L. 1804.

Philotheorus. Samuel Dexter, Sr.

Philotheorus. Caleb Fleming. Be- ligion not the magistrates' province , . . L. 1773.

Philoxenus Secnndus. Rev. Stephen Weston. Persian recreations . . . L. 1812,

Phiz. Hablot Knight Brovme. Hunt- ing bits ... L.

Phiz, Francis. Francis Edward Smedley. Lewis Arundel. I*. 1865.

Phlogobombus, Terentius. Samuel B. i Judah* The buccaneers: a ro- mance of our own country in its ancient days,., B. 1827.