Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/248

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not pronounce Swift ' properly, and thus trans- lated it."

Preston, Laura, Mrs. S. M. Heaven, Aldeane. San Fran. 1868.

Preston, Paul. Thomas Picton (?}. The fireside magician ; or, the art of nat- ural magic made easy . . . N.Y. 1870.

Pretzel, Karl. Chailes H. Hams.

Prevost, Kaiherine. E. M. Olcott. Margaret Worthington ... B. 1872.

Priam. C. J. Collins. Dick Diminy ; ox, the life and adventures of a jockey . . . L. 1855.

Priest, A. Francis Lloyd Bagshawe. A catechism of the sacraments of the Catholic church. Compiled by ... L. 1871.

Priest of the Churcli of England, A. Rev. Luke Melbourne. A letter to [Lawrence] the author of lay baptism invalid . . . n.p. 1713.

Priest of the Churcli of England, A. Rev. Hilkiah Bedford. A vindica- tion of the Church of England from the aspersions of a late libel intituled " Priestcraft in perfection," etc. By ... L. 1710.

Priest of the Congregation, of the Host Holy Redeemer. Rev. J. H. Cornell. The little vesper-book . . . Bait. 1860.

Priest of the English Church, A. Bev. Clement Ogle Smith. Family pray- ers for morning and evening . . . L. 1862.

Priggins, Peter. Rev. Joseph T. J. Hewlett, the author of "Peter Priggins/' College Life," and "Parsons and Wid- ows," the two former of which appeared in the l?ew Monthly Magazine," 1840- 42. He sometimes signed " P*" instead of "P. P. 3 '

Primcoclc, A- James Ralph. The taste of the town; or, a guide to all pub- lick diversions L. 1731.

Prime Minister, A. Robert Folkestone Williams. Mephistopheles in England; or, the confessions of ... L. 1835.

Prince. Leon N. Salmon.

Prince de la critique, Le. Jules Ga- briel Janm.

Prince of the Infernal Regions, The. John CampbelL A letter ... to a spiritual lord on this side the great gulf ... L.1751.

Frlncipiis Obsta. Samuel Adams, in the "Boston Gazette," Oct. 17, 1768.

Pringle, Seth. Charles Francis Bar- nard, a member of the "Polyglot Club," consisting of the nine editors of the "Harvard Register," Camb., 1827-28.

Prior, SamueL John Gait, All the voyages around the world i. 1820.

Priscilla. 3/rs. (Torhngton] Jebb, widow of John Jebb, MJX, who died in 1786. "The doctor, it is well known, engaged in some very serious controver- sies with the University [of Cambridge] . . . Mrs. Jebb was not content with being a silent observer ; she became an active opponent of Dr. Powell ... It was in reference to the force of argument contained in a smart pamphlet written by Mrs. Jebb . . . under the signature of

  • Priscilla '..." See " Gent. Mag./'

January, 1812, p. 94.

Prison Matron, A. Miss Mary Car- penter. Female life in prison . . . L. 1862,

Prisoner on the Common Side, A. Simon Wood. Remarks on the Fleet Prison; or, lumber-house for men and women. Written by ... L. 1733.

Prisonnier d'Etat Canadien en 1838, Un. Felix Poutre*. Souvenirs d* . . . Montreal, 1861.

Private. Rev. Benjamin Franklin De Costa, in his letters to the "Advertiser" (B.) during 1861-62.

Private Gentleman, A. Daniel De- foe. Christian conversation ; in six dia- logues ... L. 1720.

Private Gentleman, A. Edward Synge^ Archbishop of Tuam. A Gentle- man's religion ... By ... Dublin, 1693.

Private Gentleman, A. Thomas Allan. Sketch of Mr. Davy's lectures in Geology . . . From notes taken by ... Bdinb.1811 ().

Private Man, A. Rev. Francis Wol- laston, LL.D. The secret history of ... [An autobiography.] L. 1795.

Private Person, A. Thomas Roger- son. The controversy about restoring some prayers, etc. ... L. 1719.

Private Soldier, A. J". P. Blessing- ton. Campaigns of Walker's Texas Divis- ion; by. . . 1875.

Private Soldier, A. C. B- McClen- then. Narrative of the Fall and Winter campaign . . . Syracuse, N.Y., 1863.

Private Tutor, A. David James Vaughan. A few words about private tuition . . . Camb. 1852.

Private of the 38th Artists', and Member of the Alpine Club, A. John Barrow. Expeditions on the glaciers . . . L. 1864.

Privateer. Charles J. Foster, in the " Hew York Sportsman/'

Probationer of the Church of Scot- land, A. William Rae. The Dissenters and Voluntary Church-men . . . Edinb. 1835.

Pro-bus. Thomas Chatterton t in the " Political Begister."