Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/262

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Rover, Ralph. Robert Michael Bal- lantyne

Roving Editor, The. James Red- path. The roving editor; or, talks with slaves in the Southern States. N.Y. 1859.

Roving Englishman, The Eustace Clare Grenmtte Murray. Pictures from the battle-fields. L. 1856. [Reprinted from " Household Words " (L. 1854).]

Roving Printer, A. Jones, Life and adventures in the South Pacific. NT. 1861.

Row, T Samuel Pegge. "A Letter in Behalf of the Wives of Excise-men," "Gent. Mag," 1757, p. 559; and 124 other articles, from 1738 to 1795.

" T. Row," i e. the Rector of Whittington See " Gent. Mag." LXVL S p. 981.

Rowe, Savllle and Bolton. Clem- ent ficott, \vho writes dramas under this double nom de plume.

Rowlands, Cadwalader. John Cam- den Hotten. Life of H. M. Stanley. L.


Rowley, Thomas. Thomas Chatterton. An examination of the poems attributed to . . By Thomas Warton. L. 1782.

Roxbury Farmer, A. John Lowell.

Roy. Nathaniel Parker Willis y who, while in college, 1823-27, published sev- eral religious pieces of poetry under this signature.

Roy, Imxymon. Samuel H. Homan.

Royce, Ashley Allen. Nathaniel Hawthorne, in the " Salem Gazette," and the " New England Magazine."

Hr. Lathrop says of the " Twice Told Tales, 1 ' "The earlier pieces appeared in the * Salem Gazette * ne-wspaper and in the * New England Magazine ' (published in Boston from 1831 to 1834), Sometimes they bore the author's real name, and sometimes a pseudonym was at- taehed. Several among them purported to have been -written by ' Ashley Allen Royce/ or the

  • Bev. A. A. Royce.* Another pen-name used

by the young romancer was *Oberon,* the choice of which may be explained by the fact that, as the late Henry W. LongfeDow recalled, some of the college friends of Maurthorne bave nicknamed him * Oberon/ in allusion to his per- sonal beauty and the imaginative tone of his conversation "

Rozier, Jacques. Mme. Jmilie Paton.

Rubek, Sennoia. John Burke. The burden of the South, in verse ; or, poems on slavery . . . N.Y. 18-.

RudorfF, E. Franziska Julie (Sdde- sius) Jarke. Stunden der Erhebung. Auspruche von K. J, Nitzsch, 1877.

Kingby, Nym. Nugent Robinson, in his contributions to the "Boys and Girls' Weekly "(N.Y.).

Ruhamah. Miss Lily Scudamore, in the Washington "Republic/'

Ruhamah. Harriet M. Skidmore, in her contributions to the " Globe-Demo- crat" (St. Louis, Mo.), etc.

Ruling Elder of the Church of Scotland, A Bishop Forbes. An essay on the nature of the human body >. . . Edinb. 1767.

Runnymede. Benjamin Disraeli , Earl of Beaconsfield.

In 1836, " A series of letters . . . appeared in the * Times/ signed ' Runnymede,' which were in professed Imitation of ' Junius's Letters,' but which could only be compared to them in point of violence and personality. These letters were written by D'Israeli, and contained neree and unscrupulous attacks upon Lord Melbourne's government. Lord John Russell is called * an mfinitely small scarabseus, an insect'; Lord Palraerston and Grant, two sleek and long-tailed rats'; and Lord William Bentinek (...who had just returned from the government of India), 'one of those mere lees of debilitated humanity and exhausted nature which the winds periodically waft to the hopeless breezes of their native cliffs, a drivelling Nabob, of weak and perplexed mind and grovelling spirit.' The appearance of the Marquis of Lansdowne is de- scribed as ' the ox-like form of the Lansdowne Apis * ; and O'ConneU as ' towering, like a crocodile, above, above them all/ These letters were, in August, 1836, reprinted in a volume en- titled, Tbe Letters of Runnymede,' and dedi- cated to the late Sir Robert Peel." See AN- DBEWS'S *' British Journalism," vol. 2, p. 223.

Rural. M. L. Dunlap, in the New York " Tribune."

Rural D D., A. David Esdaile, D.D. Contributions to natural history . . . Edinb. 1865.

Rural Dean, A. Rev. Arthur Tat- ham, M.A. "0 pray for the peace of Jerusalem." A few psalms, collects, and prayers selected for the daily use of the Church of England during her present troubles. By ... L. 1851.

Rusco. Mary Ann Smith. Teone; or, the magic maid : a poem, Milwau- kee, 1862.

Rnsliton, Wattle. A. Watson Atucood.

Russ-Ockside, Knight. Mortimer M. Thompson. The history and records of the Elephant Club . . . N.Y. 1856.

Russell. Col Rtissell H. ConiceH, in the Boston " Traveller "

Russell, Margaret. Mrs. Eleonora Louisa Montagu Hervey. Margaret Rus- sell : an autobiography. L. 1849.

Russelli, I;. Leon Rousseau. Les suirantes de Jesus . . . Geneve, 1866.

Russian, A. Alexis Eustaphieve. Sketch of the internal condition of the United States of America ... By ... Bait 1826.

Russian, A, quondam clvis biblio- thecae Bdinensis. Damdoff. An appeal on the Eastern Question . . . Edinb. 1854.