Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/278

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though sub-pathetic ballad ... P. 1870.

Snlft, Follexenes Digit. Benson Earh Mdl A pinch of snuff. L 1840. >

Snob, Mr. William Makepeace Thack- eray. Mr. Snob's remonstrance with Mr, Smith. " Punch," 1848.

Snoggins. Henry M, Putney. His signature as correspondent of the Man- chester (KH.) "Mirror" from 1860 to 1870.

Snooks, Peter. John G Moore. His signature in the " Boston Journal "

Society called the Oziosi, A. Rob- ert Merry. Roscoe, etc. Arno miscel- lany. Florence, 1784.

Society of Gentlemen, A. Thomas Morgan. A "brief examination of the Rev. Mr. Warburton's divine legation of Moses ... L, 1742.

Society of Gentlemen, A. John Stone. The history of Faringdon . , . Faringdon, 1798

SocSus, Ol Thomas Humphrey Ward. Brasenose ale ... Ed. by ... Boston, Bug., 1878.

Sohailee. Ahmed Ibn Hemdem* Turk- ish evening entertainments.

Sojourner, A. Rev. John Gay Cople- ston. Lynmouth; or, sketchings and musings in North Devon ... L 18G3.

Sol. A. &f. Soteldo, Albany corre- spondent of the "Sun 5 * (NY,).

Sola. Olive San Louie Anderson. An American girl, and her four years in a boy's college. N.Z. 1878.

Soldier, A* Major Eanlen Canada and the Crimea : sketches of a soldier's life. L.1862.

Soldier, A. Joseph Donaldson. Rec- ollections of ... Edinb 18-.

Soldier, A. J. H. Wilton. Scenes in a soldier's life ... 1839-43 . , . Mon- treal, 1848.

Soldier, The- Warren Lee Goss. The soldier's story of his captivity at Ander- son, Belle Isle, etc., 1862-64. B. 1867.

Soldier of 1812, A. Orrin Abbott. Appeal of ... to the soldiers who sup- pressed the Rebellion. Chic, 1867.

Soldier of Fortune, A. William Hamilton Maxwell. Rambling recollec- tions of ... L. 1842.

Soldier's Daughter, A. Lady Nich- olas Bams Nicolas. The cairn : a gath- ering of precious stones from many hands. Ed. by ... L. 1846.

Soldier's Friend, The. Mrs. Maud J. (Fuller) Young, who, during the late civil war, under this signature addressed thrilling appeals to the Confederate sol- diers.

Sole Survivor, The George Fmcker. A voyage to South America, with an ac- count of a shipwreck in the river La Plata, in the year 1817. By ... B 1826.

Solicitor, A. Edwin Willms Field. Observations of ... on the equity courts. L. 1840.

Solitaire. John S. Robb, who contrib- uted humorous pieces to the Western periodicals, and in 1856 published, in conjunction with Madison Tenzas, M.D., " The swamp doctor's adventures in the Southwest" (P. 1850), and other sketches.

Solitaire, A. Edwin S. Rickman. The diary of ... or, sketch of a pedestrian excursion through part of Switzerland . . , L. 1835.

Solitaire, Un. Hippolyte Barbier. Biographie populairo du clerge' contem- porain . . . Paris, 1840-51.

Solitary "Wanderer, A. Mrs. Charlotte (Turner) Smith. Letters of ... L. 1801.

Solomon of StreetsTille. Rev. Rob- ert Jackson RfacGeorge, who contributed to the " Commercial Advertiser" (Mon- treal, 1854), and to other Canadian jour- nals, under this signature.

Solomons, Ikey, Esq , junior. Wil- liam Makepeace Thackeray \ Catherine : a story. " Eraser's Magazine," 1839-40,

Solymos, B. J5. E. Fallonberg Des- ert life. Recollections of an expedition in the Soudan. L. 1879.

Sombre, Samuel. J. W. Gerard. Ostrea, N.T. 1857.

Some XJnknown Foreigner. Charles Jared IngersolL Inchiquin . the Jesuit's letters on American, literature and poli- tics. P. 1810.

Somebody. William Donaldson. The life and adventures of Sir Bartholomew Sapskull, Baronet . . . 1768.

Somebody, M. S. John Ctutton. A letter to Br, Joseph Priestley . . . Birm- ingham, 1787.

Somebody who is not Doctor o the Sorbonne. John Louis Detolme. The history of the Flagellants ... L. n.d.

Somers, Felix. Julius Chambers. A mad world and its inhabitants. L. 1877.

Somers, Miss Rosalie. J/rs. Harriet Marion Stephens, \rho appeared on the stage under this name until 1851, and was afterwards well known by the con- tributions of her pen under the signa- tures of Marion Ward" and "H, M. S."

Somerset Herald, The. James Mob- inson Planche*.

Sommers, Jane K. Cornelia Jones. Heavenward led ; or, the two bequests. l\ 1870.