Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/306

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Antwerp, during the siege of the cita- del in December, 1832. By ... L. 1833.

W., C. E. Charles Edmund Webber. Military work by military labour. By an officer of the Eoyal Engineers . . . L. 1869.

W,, C H. Charles H. Wharton, D.D. A reply to an address to the Roman Catholics of the United States of Amer- ica. By... P. 1785.

W., C. J. Rev. Charles James Wilding. A sermon on the rainbow . . . Preached at Arley . . . 1870. By ... Bewdley, 1870

W.,C.K. Charles King Whipple. The American Tract Society. B, 1859.

W., C. B. G. R. Williams Home letters, etc. Compiled by ... L 1878.

W., C, S. Charles Stearns Wheeler. Biographical notices of ... C. Hay- ward . . . and . . . S. Hildreth. Camb. 1839.

W., C. T. C. T. Wheler. The Crys- tal Hire ; or, the first of May, 1851. By ... L. 1852.

W., C f W. Charles W. Wood. "A Drive to the Land's End," in the "Ar- gosy," 1874.

W. D. Rev. Samuel Denne. His sig- nature in the " Gent. Mag./' 1771-99.

W. D. Eichard Derby Ness, in his contributions to "Notes and Queries"

7., D. Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Cal- cutta. Letters from an absent brother ... L. 1824.

W., D. David Walilier. A serious expostulation addressed to Mr. A J \i.e. Andrew Jukes] on the subject of his recent book ... By ... L. 1869.

W., E. Lady E. Wallace. A letter to a friend, with a poem called the Ghost of Werter. By ... L, 1787.

W., E. Edward Ward. The mourn- ing prophet ... L. 1714.

W., E. Edward West. Observations ... L. 1836.

W., E. Edward Wynne. Observa- tions touching the antiquity and dignity of the degree of Serjeant of Law. 1765.

W., E., and Iu, A. Say and seal . . . L. 1860.

Thepreface is signed "E. W." [i.e, Eliza- beth wetiberell], pseud for Sttsan Warner t and **A. L." [*.e. Amy Lothrop], pseud, for Anna . Warner.

W., E. H. E. E. Watson. Child-life in Europe . . By ... B. 1874.

W., E. J. Miss E. Jane Whately. Eichard Whatel/s] The judgment of

conscience, and other sermons. Ed. by ... L. 1864.

W., E. S. E. S. Waters. Inter-State . . . Exposition. Handbook to the bric-a- brac collection, etc. Compiled by ... Chic. 1877.

W., F. Forbes Benignus Winslow. On the nature, symptoms, and treatment of cholera. By Medicus. L. 1831.

W., F. Eev. Francis Wrangham. Psychse; or, songs of butterflies, by T. H. Bayly, Esq Attempted in Latin rhymes, to the same airs; with a few additional trifles. Malton, 1828.

W., F. Francis Wharton. A reminis- cence of Gambier. Camb. 1868. See "L , E." pe. Lewis, Emma],

W., F. Francis Wilson. Where shall I worship when I am saved ? In verse. By... L. 1879.

W., F., BX. Francis Wise, Kadcliffe Librarian. History and chronology of the Fabulous Ages, considered ... L. 1764

W, F. C. F. C. Westley. The new guide to Cheltenham ... By ... L. 1867.

W., F. G Francis Godolphin Wai- dron. The Holy Vengeance : a Scottish ballad, by... 1802

W., G G. Wall. A catalogue of ferns indigenous to Ceylon ... L. 1873.

W., G. George Woodley. Mount- Edgcumbe: a descriptive poem . . . Dock, 1804

W, G. William Frederick Deacon. "Warreniana ... B. 1851.

W., Gilbert. Gilbert Wakefield, in Beloe's "Sexagenarian," Vol. 1, Chap. XIV., p. 84.

W. 7 G. B. George Robert Wynne. Overton's question, and what came of it. By ... L. 1868.

W. H. Henry Wash. Adelphi series [of school books]. By ... L. 1871.

W.,H. H.Wigram(%). Digest of rules and orders of the High Court of Judi- cature at Madras . . . Corrected up to 20th October, 1873, by H. W. Madras, 1874.

W., H, E. Whately (*). Life in a Swiss chalet, etc. : a tale by ... L. 1878.

W., H. Horace Walpple. The mag- pie and her brood . . . Probably Straw- berry Hill, 1768.

W., H. Henry Wix. On roach fishing ... By... L 1860.

W., H, A, Henry Austin Whitney. A brief account of the descendants of John and Elinor Whitney. By ... B. 1857.