Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/316

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letter from ... to Isaac Tomkins [i.e. Lord Brougham]. L. 1839.

This was published in reference to " Thoughts upon the anstocracy of England." By Isaac Tomkins, Gent, [i.e Lord Brougham]. H.1S35.

Wilkins, Peter. Robert Paltock. The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish man, taken from his own mouth, in his passage to England, from off Cape Horn in America in the ship Hector. By B. S., a passenger in the Hector. L 1750.

The dedication is signed " R. P.," the initials of the author.

Will, Deep. William Pitt. A politi- cal dictionary for the guinea-less pigs ; or, a glossary of emphatical words made use of by that jewel of a man ... in his administration ... L. 1790 (*).

Will, Uncle, V.M. Rev. W. F. Crafts

Will, Uncle. Piof. Wllham Wells.

Will-Will-be so. W. Hall Sketch of local history : being a chain of inci- dents relating to the state of the Tens, by . . Lynn, 1812.

Willard., Oscar 0. Carpenter.

William. William Ewart Gladstone. William's workingman and his represen- tative, etc. L 1874

William, deWorfat. Rev Hutton Beet- ham. A bran new wark, by ... contain- ing a true calendar of his thoughts con- cerning good nebborhood ... L. }879.

William, the Fourth. William Pitt, afterwards Earl of Chatham. Speech of ... to both Houses of P ... [Parliament] L 1757.

William, IJord Archbishop of York. Most Rei>. William Markham. A sermon preached before the Incorporated Soci- ety for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts , . . February 21, 1777. By... L. 1777.

William and Charles. William Pitt and Charles James Fox. Whig and no Whig. A political paradox. [A dia- logue between . . .] L. 1789.

Williams, Barney. Barney O'Fla- herti/. A nom de theatre.

Williams, Katherine. Mrs. Laura A. Buck. Tiptoe. N.Y. 1871.

Williams, Tummus a. John Collier. A view of the Lancashire dialect . . . By... L. 1770.

Willis, Hal, Student-at-Law. Charles Robert Forrester, whose literary contribu- tions were issued under this pseud, and that of "Alfred Crowquill."

Willis, Julia A. Julia A. KempshalL What a boy ' problems concerning him. P. 187-.

Willis, Kate. Sarah E. Coohdge. Ambition. B. 1856.

Willis, Uncle. Stephen Willis Tilton. Songs for oar darlings. B. 1873

Wilson, Alf. John Alfred Wilson. Adventures of ... Toledo, 0., 1880

Wilson, J. Arbuthnot. Gfrant Allen. His signature in "Belgravia" and in "Longman's Magazine" to a series of stories reprinted as "Strange stories." L. 1884.

Wilson, James Andrew Park. Silent love : a poem . . Paisley, 1845.

Wilson, Jasper, Esq. Dr. James Cume. A letter . . . Addressed to the R* H onble William Pitt ... L. 1793.

Winchester, Arnold or Carroll. Mrs. Caroline G Curtis Prom Madge to Margaret. B. 1880

Windle, Mary Jane. Mary Jane McLane. Truth and fancy : tales legendary, historic, and descriptive . . . P. 1860.

Winkey. Wells Egelshem. Winkey's whims. L 1769

Winnefred. Mary Frances Gibson.

Winter, Ainalie von. Amahe (von Saebach) von G-ross. Pictures of German life. 1838.

Winter, Frank. N. A. Trueblood, of Philadelphia, as correspondent of various newspapers.

Winterbotham Mrs. Ann Sophia ( Winterbotham ) Stephens. Norton's Best. P. 1877.

\Vintertown Democrat, The. The Springrfield Republican. See "Benson, Carl "

Winthrop, Sophy. Mrs. Sophy ( Win- throp) Weitzel. Miss Robert's fortune. N.Y. 1876.

Winwood, Brent. John Thomas Denny, in his contributions to numer- ous English provincial journals.

"I used the nom de plume 'EetfWmwood' for a drama entitled The Dead Letter*; but, finding that it was used by another author in America, I changed It to Brent Winwood/ " Extract from a letter to A. R. Prey, Oct. 31, 1884.

Wise, Jonathan B. Stephen Colwell. The relative position in our industry of foreign commerce, domestic production, and internal trade P. 1850.

Wlsewood, Solomon. Rev. Duncan Moss, who contributed a series of valu* able letters, entitled "Busy Body/' to the Acadian Eecorder" (Halifax, 1826- 27), under this signature.

Wishlt, Mr. Thomas Spence. A sup- plement to the history of Eobinson Cru*