Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/336

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C. A ; Actcea. An American lady ; widow of Louis J. R. Agassiz; for many years a resident of Cambridge, Mass.

Agg, John, -1813. /. A. An Eng- lish poet and novelist.

Agnew, Rev. David Carnegie A. A Free Church Mimstei. A Scottish writer.

Agnew, Miss Emily C. E. C. A. An English writer on religious subjects, and poet.

Agoult, Marie de Flavigny, Com- tesse d', 1805-76. Daniel Stern. A French author; b. at Frankfort-on-the-Main ; married Comte d'Agoult in 1827 , spent a long time travelling in Switzerland, Germany, and Italy, then settled in Paris, where she died

Aguilar, Miss Grace, 1816-47. G. A. An English Jewish writer of religious fiction, the daughter of Ernanuel Agui- lar, of Hackney ; d. at Frankfort

Ahlqvlst, August Engelbrekt, 1826-. A. Olsasdta; Oksanen. A Fin- nish poet and philologist ; b. at Kuopio ; studied at Helsmgf ors ; Professor of the Finnish Language and Literature at Helsingfors. His Finnish name is Ok- sanen.

Ahmed Ibn Hemdem Kiaya. So- hailes. A Turkish writer ; translated by J. P. Brown [and edited by E. E. Salis- bury], N Y. 1850.

Aigner, Lajos. Lajos Abqfi. A Hun- garian writer.

Alken, Clementina Edith. C. E. A. An English writer.

Alken, Peter Freeland. The Grand- son of E, Aiken. An English author ; admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates in 1822.

Aikin, John, M.D., 1747-1822. J. A ; Uncle. John, An English physician and miscellaneous writer j b. at Kibworth, Leicestershire; settled in London in 1792 ; d at Stoke-Newington.

Aikin, Imcy, 1781-1864. Mary Go- dolphin. An English miscellaneous writer , daughter of the preceding ; b. at Warrington j d. at Hampstead.

Alnley, . Ajax. An English


Ainslie, George Robert, 1776-1839. A Fellow of the Antiquarian Society ; A Fellow of the Antiquarian Societies of Lon- don and Scotland. A Scottish numisma- tologist; b. in Edinb. ; appointed Gov- ernor of Dominica in 1813, but soon after retired, having been made lieutenant- general ; d. in Edinb.

Ainslie, Philip Barrington. Philo- Scotits. An English gentleman of "The

Mount," Guilford, Surrey; member of the Surrey Archaeological Society

Ainslie, Robert, 1766-1838. A Father A Scottish author; b. at Berry well, near Dunse; Writer to the Signet, 1789, a friend of Robeit Burns, and a contribu- tor to the "Edinburgh Magazine," and other periodicals, for forty years.

Ainslie, Whitelaw, M.D , M.ft.A.S. Caledomcus. A Scottish physician of the Medical Staff of Southern India.

Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-82. Cheviot Tichebourne ; W. Haras- sing Painsworth. An English novelist; b. in Manchester ; in 1824, removed to London ; d. at St Mary's Road, Reigate, Surrey.

Airy, George Biddell, M A., 1801-. The Astronomer Royal; G. B. A. An eminent English astronomer ; b. at Aln- wick; from 1835 astronomer royal.

Aitken, Rev. Robert, 1800-73 A Parish Priest. An English Epis. divine; Univ. of Edinburgh; Vicar of Pendeen, Penzance, Cornwall, 1849-73.

Aiton, Rev. John, D.D. A Clergy- man of the Old School; A Pedesti ian. A Scottish divine , Minister of Dolphmton, Lanark County, Scotland.

Akenside, Mark, M.I)., 1721-70 A Swiss Gentleman. An eminent English poet ; b. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and d. in London.

Akerman, John Yonge, 1800-73. J. Y. A.; Paul Pindar, Gent. An Eng- lish numismatist and miscellaneous writer of London.

Akers, Mrs, Elizabeth (Chase). See "Allen, Mrs, Elizabeth (Chase Akers)."

Albee, John. J. A An American litterateur; Harv. Univ. Dfr. School, 1858 ; resides at " Jaffrey Cottage," on Newcastle or Great Island, in the mouth of the Piscataqua River, near Rye, N.H.

Alberdingk-Thym, Josephus Al- bertus, 1820-. Paul Forestier. A Dutch poet and prose-writer; b. at Amsterdam; devoted himself almost entirely to art and literature. His first poems appeared in 1844. Prom 1865 he has published " De dietsche Warande," a journal of art and lit- erature.

Albert!, Sophie (Modinger), 1826-. Sophie Verena, A German author; b. in Potsdam; married Robert Alborti, who died in 1870; and now (1882) lives in her native town.

Alby, Ernest Frangois Antoine, 1809-08. Anatole de France, A French writer ; b. at Marseilles ; about 18JJ7 he