Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/385

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resided at St. Andrews, New Bruns- wick.

Caley, John, F.R.S., 1763-1834. An Ilhised Candidate. An English anti- quary, of London; Secretary of the National Record Commission, 1801-31; d. in London.

Calhoun, Major Alfred B Alfred Rochfort; Leon Edwards. An American writer.

Calkins, Hiram. Deacon. An Ameri- can journalist, of New York City.

Callaghan, . A New Member of

the House of Commons An English statesman arid financial writer.

Callaway, Henry A Member of the Society of Friends. An English Friend, of London.

Callender, James Thomson, -1803. Tom Callender, Esq., Citizen of the World. An American political writer; b. in Scotland; came to Philadelphia, where he published the "Political Register," 1794-95, the "American Annual Regis- ter," 1796-97; afterwards edited the " Richmond Recorder " ; d. in Richmond, Va.

Calthorpe, Hon. Somerset John Gough, 1831-. An Officer on the Staff. An English officer, aide-de-camp to Lord Raglan in the Crimea.

Calthrop, John Alfred Clayton, 1845-. John Clayton. An English actor; b. at Gosberton, Lincolnshire.

Calverley, Charles Stuart, -1884. C. S C. An English poet, hymn-writer, and translator; Fellow of Christ's Coll., Cambridge ; removed to London in 1863.

Calvert, George Henry, 1803-. An American. An eminent American writer ; a descendant of Lord Baltimore and the painter Rubens; b in Balti- more; Harv. Univ, 1823; in 1843 he took up his residence at Newport, R.I., and devoted himself to literary pursuits.

Cambreling, Churchill C., 1786- 1862. One of the People. An American statesman; li. in Washington, N.C ; re- moved to New York City in 1802, which was afterwards chiefly his home. He engaged at an early day m mercantile pursuits with John Jacob Astor, was an M.C. from New York, 1821-39 ; in 1840 was appointed Minister to Russia^ and on his return home he retired to private life. D. at West Neck, Long Island.

Cambridge, Richard Owen, 1717- 1802. Cantabriqius. An English poet; resided at Twickenham, 1750-1802, where lie entertained the literary stars of the day.

Camelford, Thomas Pitt, Lord,

1775-1804. Lord C. An English noble- man and a lieutenant in the Royal Navy ; b in Cornwall ; succeeded his father in 1793 ; he " was not only inclined to the more enlightened pursuits of literature, but his chemical researches and his tal- ents as a seaman were worthy of the highest admiration." He was wounded in a duel with Capt. Best, and d. in Lon- don.

Cameron, Alexander, 1748-1828. A. C. An eminent Scottish prelate; Bishop of Maximianopolis and Vicar Apostolic of the Lowland district of Scotland ; d. at Edinburgh.

Cameron, John. A Manchester Spinner.

Campbell, Alexander. Timothy Twig, Esq. A Scottish poet and musi- cian; b. at Tombea, on the banks of Loch Lubnaig, above Callendar; re- moved to Edinburgh and became a teacher of music ; in 1816 he published two parts of a collection of native High- land music, for which Sir W. Scott and others contributed modern verses.

Campbell, Hon. Archibald. Philo lethes. A Scottish prelate, consecrated, 1711, at Dundee.

Campbell, George John Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyle, 1823-. A Peer's Son A Scottish nobleman ; b. at Arden- caple Castle, Dunbartonshire ; succeeded his father in 1847; Secretary of State for India, and President of the Council of India, 1868-74.

Campbell, Miss Ella, 1842-. Leila. An American poet, of Jeffersonville, Ind.

Campbell, Sir Hay, Bart., 1734-1823. I C. A Scottish advocate ; Lord Presi- dent of the Court of Session, 1789-1808.

Campbell, John, LL.D., 1708-75. J. C. ; Edward Brown, Esq. ; John Claridge, Shepherd; An English Merchant; A Gen- tleman of the Inner Temple ; A Gentleman who resided five Years on the Island; A Member of the Community and a Sincere Friend to his Country; The Prince of the In- fernal Regions. A Scottish miscellaneous writer; b. in Edinburgh; in early life removed to England, and devoted hini- selt to authorship ; d. in London.

Campbell, John F. The Editor of " Life in Normandy' 1 A Scottish author and traveller; known in Ms own country as " Iain Ileach " " My Circular Notes " (L. 1876) has the dedication dated from Niddry Lodge, Kensington.

Campbell, Rev. John Poage, M.D., 1767-1814. Tmdex. An American Presbyt. minister; b. in Augusta Co.,