Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/392

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Chatelaine, Anatole Julien, 1817-, David Didier. A French statistician; Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, under }1, Walenski

Chatterton, Thomas, 1752-80 T. <7; Decimus } Probus ; T. Rowley. An English poet ; b in Bristol. In October, 17U8, then only 15 years of age, he con- tributed some articles to '* Felix Farley's Bristol Journal/ 1 and early in 1770 he commenced writing in the "Middlesex Journal" under the signature of "Deci- mus," in the "Political Register" under that of "Probus," and in the "Freehold- er's Magazine" with the initials "T. C."

Chatto, William Andrew, 1800-64. W. A. C ; Pay Fisher; Stephen Qlner, the Younqer, of Aldu-aik, in Com. Eboi An English sporting writer; d. at the Charterhouse, London.

Cfcauncy, Charles, D.D., 1705-87. L. K.I W. S. t A.B.; T W,a Bostom- an; Canom^-us; A Gentleman in Boston; One who wishes well to all Mankind; One who wishes well to the uhole Human Race. An American clergyman ; b. in Boston ; Harv. Univ., 1721; colleague and sole pastor of the First Church in Boston, 1727-87.

Ckaussard. Pierre Jean Bapttste, 176U-1828. Pubticola. Au ingenious and prolific French writer, of Paris, 1807-28.

Clieesborough, Miss Essie B. E. B. C.; Ide Dehiar; Matte Hall; Elma &out?i. An American "Southland" writer; b. in Charleston, S.C ; educ. in that city and in Philadelphia, and com- menced her literary career at an early age.

Cheetham, James, 1773-1810. A Citizen of New "York; Li/sander; Mercer; Warren. An American journalist; edi- tor of the New York " Citizen," 1798 et seg.

Cheever, George Barrell, D.D., 180G-. A Pilgrim. An American Cong, minister ; b. at Hallowell, Me ; Bowd. Coll., 182o ; pastor of the Church of the Puritans, Sew York City, 1846-70; after- wards resided in Eaglewood, K.J".

Cfceever, Henry p. Don Carlos; Si Slokumb. An American journalist, of Philadelphia (?),

Cheever, Rev. Henry Theodore, 1814-. Major Marble. Art Amer. Cong, minister; b. in Haliowell, Me.; Bowd. Coll., 1834 ; TheoL Sem., Bangor, 1839 ; pastor of the Mission Chapel, Worcester, Mass., 1864-73; afterwards resided in that city without charge.

Cheeves, Langdon, 1776-1857. Say.

An American lawyer and statesman, of South Carolina, President of the U.S. Bank at Philadelphia, 1819-22.

Cbeltnan, Charles Smith. Capt. Shandon. An English dramatist.

Cherbnliez, Victor, 1882-% G. Val- lert. A French writer; b, in Genera; settled in Pans about 1862, where he published a number of novels, many of which first appeared in the "Berne des Deux Mondes."

Cherville, Gaspard Georges, Mar- quis de, 1821-. 0. de Morion. A French writer ; co-laborer of Alexandra Dumas, 1850-62.

Cheebrongli, E. S* Chief Engineer of the Board of Sewerage Commissioners An American civil engineer, of Chi- cago.

Chesuel de la Charbouclais, Mar- quis Louis Pierre Francois Adolphe de, 1791-1862. Alfred de Nore. A French officer ; b. in Paris; published quite a number of works under his own name, or different pseudonyms, such as "Mabius/' "Alphenor," "Alfred de Nore," "Darbe'ci/ 3 etc.

Chesney, George. A Volunteer. An English writer; Lieut.-Col of the lloyal Engineers.

Chester, Miss Annie HI. Annie Myr- tle.

Chester, Joseph. Lemuel, LL.D , 1821-82. Julian Cramer. An American genealogist and journalist; for some time assistant clerk of the US. House of Representatives; spent many years in England, where his primary pursuit was the history of the early New Eng- land settlers ; d in London,

Chetwood, Eustace, Esq., -1760, and His Brother. Two English Gentle- men. The former was of Harnstown, Co, Kildare.

Chetwood, W K., and His Brother. Two English Gentlemen.

Chevalet, Emile, 1813-. Mmile RossL A French litterateur; b, at Levreux (In- dre) ; in 1832 he removed to Pans, and: devoted himself to literary pursuits

Chevalier, I/Abbe' Casimir, 1825-. Jacques Duverney. A French antiquary ; b. at Sache* (Indre et Loire) ; Secretary of the Archaeological Society of Tour- ame.

Chevalier, Sulpice Paul, 1801-60. Paul Gavctrni. An eminent French de- signer and caricaturist, of Paris.

Chejme ; William. W. C.; A True Son of the Qhurch of Scotland.

Chezy, Wilhelmtne Christine von* Melmma. A German writer.