Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/400

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Oxford, and Aberdeen ; he was the au- thor of numerous dramas, more marked for wit than decorum ; d in London.

CoLman, Mrs. Julia. Aunt Julia. An American -writer on ornithology.

Colquhoun, Jolin Campbell, 1793- 1874. A Freeholder and Landholder of Scotland. A Scottish statesman ; b. m Edinburgh; educ. at the High School, and at Oriel Coll., Oxford; MR, 1832, 1837, 1842-47, when he retired, from ill- health.

Colquhoun, Patrick, Esq., LL.D, 1745-lb20. A Magistrate. A Scottish writer ; b. in the borough of Dunbarton ; spent in Virginia 1761-66, when he set- tled in Glasgow ; in 1789 he removed to London, and was one of the Magistrates of the Police Office from 1792 till his death in that city.

Colauhoun, Sir Patrick MacCham- baich de, 1815- Honorary Secretary of the "Leander Club" An English law- yer; educ. at Cambridge; called to the bar at the Inner Temple, 1838 ; Chief Justice of the Ionian Islands, 1861- 64.

Coltman, Eliza. E G-- . An

English Friend, of Spa, near Leicester.

Colton, Rev. Caleb Charles, abont 1780-1832. C. C. C.; Lacon; 0. P. Q. An eccentric English poet, journalist, etc.; educ. at Eton and King's Colls., Cambridge ; after holding two paro- chial charges, in 1828 he lost the sec- ond; for two years then travelled in America; then removed to Paris, where he became a gamester, and was so suc- cessful that in a year or two years he acquired 25,000, but soon lost it all, and became a beggar, and finally blew out his brains to avoid a painful surgi- cal operation ; d. at Fontainebleau.

Colton, Rev. Calvin, 1789-1857. An American Gentleman; An American in London; Junius; A Northern Man; A Protestant. An American clergyman and miscellaneous writer; b at Long- meadow, Mass.; Yale Coll., 1812; An- doverTheol. Sena., 1815; devoted much time to literary pursuits ; was for a few years Professor of Political Economy at Trin. Coll., Hartford, till his death; d. at Savannah, Ga. *

Colton', Robert. Sylvanus. An Eng- lish traveller and writer.

Colton, Rev. Walter, 1797-1851. Bertram. An American clergyman and journalist; b. in Rutland; Vt; Yale Coll., 1822; Andover Theol. Sem., 1825; chaplain in the U. S. Navy, 1831-51 ; d. at Philadelphia.

Colvill, Rev. Robert, -1788. E. C. A Scottish writer; Minister at Dysart.

Colwell, Stephen, 1800-71. A Fi tend in the North; A Layman; William Penn ; Jonathan B. Wise. An American mer- chant, political economist, and philan- thropist ; b. in Brooke Co , Ya. ; Jeffer- son Coll., Penn., 1819 ; studied law, and admitted to the bar, 1821 ; and practised his profession for some time in Pittsburg, Penn.; but was for many years a mer- chant in Philadelphia, where he died.

Comber, Rev. Thomas, B A., 1765-. Phihppus Philaretes, A. 0. C. An English Epis. divine ; b. in Yorkshire ; Rector of Oswald-kirk from 1813.

Comins, Ldzzie B. Laura Caxton. An American novelist.

Commerson, Joseph Jacques, 1802- 79. Joseph Citrouillard. A French comic journalist, of Paris ; in 1839 founder of the "Tarn-Tarn"; later, the "Tinta- marre."

Compton, Theodore. One of them- selves An English Friend, of Stoke Newington, near London; now of .

Comstock, Mrs. Elizabeth A., 1817- 60. Elizabeth Emmet. An American poet and prose writer; b. in New York City; the wife of Joseph E. Comstock; her literary productions were published m various New York magazines and pa- pers.

Comyn, Rev. Henry, 1775-1851. A Clergyman of the Church of England. An English Epis. divine ; Vicar of Sancreed, 1837-51; d. there. '

Conant, Samuel Stillman, 1831-. S. S. C An American journalist; b. in Waterville, Me.; besides a classical education at home, he studied several years at German Univs. ; on his return from Europe, he became connected with the press of New York City, and devoted himself to the profession of a journalist.

Conder, Rev. Eustace R., M.A. E. R. C. An English Dissenter.

Congdon, Charles Tabor. A Jour- nalist. An American journalist, of New Bedford, Mass.

Congdon, James B., 1802-80. A Citizen; Money Terry, Esq.; A Practical Banker. An American writer; b. in New Bedford, Mass.; cashier of the National Bank of that city, 1825-58, and city treasurer and collector, 1859- 79 ; d. in New Bedford.

Congnet, 1'abbe" Iiouls Henri, 1795- 1870. L'abM Stanislas Pascal A French grammarian; honorary canon at Soissons (Aisne).

Conkling, Miss Margaret C. Henry