Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/412

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Professor in his native city a few years between 1822 and 1830. D. at Wxirz- burg.

Daunt, William Joseph O'Neill, 1807-. An Ex-M.P. An Irish writer; eldest son of Joseph Daunt, of Kilcas- can ; ALP. for Mallow, 1832-33.

Datirand-Forgues, Paul Bmile, 1813-. Old Nick. A French miscella- neous writer , b. in Paris ; a contributor to the " National," and one of the editors of the " Revue des Deux Mondes."

Davenport, Mrs E A. E. A. D. An English writer for the young.

Davenport, John. Marriott, P.8.A. J. M. D. An English writer of the day

David, J. B., 1761-184:1. A Catholic Cleifjyman of Baltimore. An American EC. clergyman; b near Nantes, Prance ; came to this country in 1792, and was consecrated Bishop Coadjutor to Dr, Flaget, of Bardstown, Ky , in 1819

David, Mme Marie (de Saffron), 18o4-, Jtaoul de Navery. A French writer, b. near Ploermel (Morbihan).

DavidofF, . A Russian, quondam

Cms JBibiiotheccB Edinensis.

Davidson, Mrs. Harriet Miller. K. D. A Scottish writer for the young ; wife of Henry Davidson.

Davidson, James Wood, 1829-. Corsair. An American educator; b. in Dewberry District, SC.; educ. at the Univ of SC., 1852; Prof, of Greek in Mount Zion Coll., Wmnsboro', S.C., 185-i-59, and has been since an instruc- tor, except while serving in Virginia, in kee's> army.

Davidson, John. J.D A Scottish law-writer, of Halltree, N.S.

Davidson, B., Esq. An American. An American writer.

Davidson, Miss Virginia E. Vir- ginia. An American " Southland " writer ; b. in Petersburg, Ya. She published, during the late civil war, the "Bloody Footprints," some of the incidents of the volume haying been printed in the 6t Southern Opinion," under the name of Virginia."

Davidson, W. W. D. A Scottish writer.

Davies, Kev. Edward, 1756-1831. A Welsh Curate. A British clergyman; b. in Radnorshire ; in 1801, he was Cur- ate at Qlveston, near Thornbury in Gloucestershire, where his essays on Cel- tic antiquities attracted notice; he was for some time master of the Grammar School of Chipping Sudbury, near Bris- tol. At the time of his death he was Chancellor of Brecon, Rector of Bishop-

ston and Uanwair Orlledyn, and Perpet- ual Curate of Llanbedr Pamscastle; and d. at Bishopsgate, Co. Glamorgan.

Davies, Elizabeth. Hts Widow. An English editor of the day; widow of Robert Davies.

Davies, Rev. G J A Wykehamist. An English clergyman ; Curate of Cliarl- bury, Co. Oxford, in 1857.

Davies, Henry, H D An English publisher, of Cheltenham*

Davies, Bev. J. H. /. H. D. An English clergyman.

Davies, John, M,B. later. An Eng- lish physician, of Bath.

Davies, Rev. Myles. A Gentleman of the Inns of Court. A Welsh clergyman ; b. m Tre'r-Abbot, in Flintshire.

D'Avigdon, E. H. Wanderer. An English writer of the day ; a nephew of the late Sir Francis Goldsmid.

Davln, Nicholas Francis Flood. F ; Tristram Templeton. An English lawyer of the Middle Temple, and a journalist of London Mr. Davm, with Mr Black and Mr. E. Yates, was the first to write "Readings by Starlight," in the "Evening Star," London, 1806.

Davis, Mrs. Caroline E. Kelly. C. E. K. An American writer.

Davis, Charles Augustus, 1795-1867. Major Jack Downing ; Peter Scnbet . An American merchant, of New York City, and political writer; well versed in finance and commerce, and a writer on those subjects.

Davis, James. Savid. An Ameri- can journalist, of !New York City.

Dayis, James D- Old Times. An American journalist and miscellaneous writer, of Memphis, Tenn.

Davis, J. F. J. F. D. An English East Indian philologist.

Davis, Hon. John, LL.D., 1701-1847. A Membei of the Humane Society. An eminent American jurist; b at Ply- mouth, Mass ; Harv. Univ., 1781 ; prac- tised law m his native town till 1795, when he removed to Boston; Judge of the US. District Court for Massachu- setts, 1801-41.

Davis, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Mo- ragne). A Lady of South Caiokna An American novelist , b. at Oakwood, S.C.

Davis, Matthew L, 1766-1850. A Genecese Traveller; Marcus,- The Old Boy in Specs; Philo-Cato; The Spy in Washington. An American journalist; b. in New York City; was at first a printer by trade, but afterwards became the correspondent at Washington of the New York "Courier and .Enquirer,"