Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/442

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London in support of the "Confeder- ates."

Fuller, James Franklin Ignotus An Irish architect, of Dublin.

Fuller, J. J. Uncle John. An Amer- ican writer

Fuller, John James Gibson, 1804-. Cunosus. An English antiquary, of Cornwall.

Fuller, Rev. P P. F. An English minister of the first part of the 18th cen- tury.

Fuller, Hon. Timothy, AM., 1778- 1885. A Citizen. An eminent Ameri- can lawyer and statesman; b. at Chil- mark, Mass.; Harv Univ., 1801; M.C , 1817-25; d at Groton, Mass.

Fullerton, Rev. George Humphrey, 1838-. Rambler An American Presbyt. clergyman; Madison Univ., N.Y., 1858; Pastor at Walnut Hills Church, Cin- cinnati, 1879-81 et seg.

FulHLove, Mrs. E J. Elsie Warwick. An American writer.

Furly, Benjamin, -1714. B. F. An

English Friend, of Colchester; after- wards of Rotterdam, in Holland

Furman, Gerrit Maspeth. Rusticus, Gent. An American poet, etc,, of Brook- lyn, N.Y. (?)

Furnlss, Louise E. Chollet. An American writer.

Furniss, William. Will De Grasse An American writer.

Fusinato, Arnoldo, 1817-. Don Fuso; Fra Fusma. An Italian poet; b. in Schio, in the district of Vicenza; studied law at Padua; in 1865 he went to Florence with his family, and in 1870 to Rome.

Fyers, Lieut -Col WiUiam Augus- tus. W. A.F. An English officer; en- tered the army in 1834 ; Lieut -Col. of the Rule Brigade in 1859.

Fysh, Frederic. F. F. An Eng- lish writer on religion and theol- ogy.

Fyvie, Isabella. Edward and Ruth Garrett. See " Mayo, Mrs. Isabella (Fyvie)."


Gage, Mrs. Frances Dana (Barker), 1808-. Aunt Fanny. An American writer; b. at Marietta, 0.; in 1828 was married to James L. Gage, of McCon- nelsville, where she lived for 25 years, when, in 1853, the family removed to St. Louis, ^Io.

Galaher, Rev. George Fitzgerald, M.A. Rev A m. An English clergy- man; Trin Coll., Dublin, 1839 ; P. C. of St. Mark, Horseleydown, 1845-70.

Gale, Benjamin, M.D., 1715-90. A. Z. An American physician ; b. in Long Island; Yale Coll., 1733, settled in Kil- lingworth, Conn.

Gale, Frederick. F. G. An Eng- lish writer on school matches and the laws of cricket.

Gale, Hon. Samuel, 178&-1865. Nerva. A Canadian jurist; for many years a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, Lower Canada.

Gale, William. Aura. An English journalist, of London.

Gall, Rev. James. A Member of the Free Church.

Gallagher, "William Davis, 1808-. W. D. G. ; Roderick. An American poet and journalist; b. in Philadelphia; chiefly resident at Cincinnati ; and after- wards lived on a farm near Louisville.

Gallatin, Albert, LL.D , 1761-1849 A Citizen of Pennsylvania. An Ameri- can statesman ; b. at Geneva, Switzer- land; came to this country in 1780, U.S. Minister to France, 1816-23 ; special en- voy to Great Britain, 1826 ; d. at Astoria, Long Island.

Galloway, Joseph, about 1730-1803. Cicero; Fabncius. An American loyal- ist ; b. in England ; became a lawyer in Philadelphia ; went with his daughter to England in 1778, and there passed the rest of his life.

Gait, John, 1779-1839. Archibald Jobbry; Rev. T. Clark; Rev. Michael Bal- ichidder; Samuel Prior; Thomas Duffle. A popular Scottish writer; b. in Ayr- shire i devoted himself chiefly to author- ship.

Gait, WiUiam Hamilton, 1856-. Nit- aenocle.

Gandonniere, Almlre Sir Henri Mortimer. A French writer; author of articles in the " Chromque."

Gandy, Edward. One of Us. An English writer.

Gane, William Law, 1815-. The Lowe Farmer. An English and Canadian writer; came to Canada in 1860.

Gangooly, Jogiith Chunder, A Na- tive Biahmin. A Hindoo convert of Rev.