Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/459

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led in Prague and Vienna; in 18G8 he settled in Vienna ; and d. there.

Hartshorne, B F. B F. H. An English poet.

Hartwell, Mary. H. 31. LewtiaL An American novelist.

Harvey, Alexander, M.D. A Um- vei sity Professor A Scottish physician ; Professor at Aberdeen.

Harvey, Rev Edmund George, B .A., 1828-. The Captain; The Other. An English clergyman; b. at Penzance; Vicar of Mullyon-Helston, 1805-83 et seg.

Harvey, Gabriel, LL.D , about 1545- about 1630. Don Rlchardo de Medico Campo. An old English writer ; a caus- tic wit, during the reign of Elizabeth.

Harvey, Miss J. A Young Lady.

Harvey, James. R. V. An English financial writer of the day.

Harvey, Eev. Hoses. Delta ; Locomo- tive; Nemo. An American Presbyt. min- ister, of St. John's, Newfoundland ; b. at Armagh, Ireland; studied in Belfast Coll.; came to Newfoundland in 1852.

Harvey, Rev. Richard, M.A. R. H. An English clergyman and hymn-writer; St. Catharine Coll., Cambridge, 1818; Rector of Hornsey, Middlesex, 1829-80.

Harvey, William, 1800-66. Alepli. An English artist; b. at Newcastle-on- Tyne ; was an apprentice of Thomas Be- wick; in 1817 went to London.

Harvey, William Henry, M.D., 1811-66. W. H. H. An Irish botanist; b. at Limerick ; Professor at Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1856-66.

Harvey, Rev. William Woodis, M.A., 1798-1864. Vindicator. An Eng- lish clergyman ; b. at Penzance ; Preben- dary of Exeter, 1839-64 ; d. at Torquay.

Harwood, Miss Isabella. Rose Neil.

Harwood, Thomas. Clio. An Eng- lish author; educ. at Eton, and Univ. Coll., Oxford; Master of Lichfield School; in 1787 resided at Lavenham, near Sudbury, Suffolk.

Haseltlne, Mayo H. M. H. H. An American writer.

Haseltine, W. H. H. W. H. H. H. An American journalist.

Haslewood, Joseph, 1769-1883. Eu. Hood; Gridiron Gabble,- ChristoferValdar- fer. An English editor and bibliogra- pher; b. in London ; one of the founders of the Eoxburghe Club.

Hassall, Miss * A Lady at Cape


Hassan, A. B. A.B.H. An Ameri- can poet.

Hassard, John R. G, 18S6-. J. R.

Cr. H An American journalist ; b. in New York City; educ. at St. John's, Fordham, N.Y., 1855; since 1806, em- ployed in his native city.

Hasselt, Andre Henri Constant van, 1806-74. Alfred d'Aiahne. A Bel- gian miscellaneous writer; member of the Royal Academy of Brussels.

Hastings, Thomas, -1SOO Archy Jtfacsarconica, FR.S. An English itin- erant bookseller and pamphleteer ; b. in the bishopric of Durham; lived chiefly in London, where he died. His travelling name was " Dr. Green."

Hatfield, John, -1803. A Gentleman. An English impostor, swindler, and for- ger; during a visit to Keswick, in Cum- berland, he called himself the Hon. Alex. Aug. Hope; M.P.for Dumfries; married, in 1802, a young lady of fortune, not his only wife ; forged Hope's name ; was con- victed of forgery, and hung for that crime.

Hatfield, Miss Julia. The Idle Scholar. An American compiler.

Hatheway, Calvin. An Inhabitant of the Province. An American writer, of Kew Brunswick.

Hatt, Francis, 1691-1767. A Lover of Truth and Mankind universally. An English Friend, of Ratcliff, London; a member of the Southwark Monthly Meet- ing ; d. in Clerkenweli

Hatton, Mrs. Anne Kemble, 1764- 1838. Anne of Swansea. An English lady ; sister of Mrs. Siddons ; d. at Swan- sea. See "Kemble, Ann."

Hatton, Joshua. Guy Roslt/n. An English (1) poet.

Haucnschild, Richard Georg Spil- ler von, 1822-55. Max Waldau* A German poet; b. at Breslau.

Haug, Johann Cnrlstoph Fried- rich, 1761-1829. Friedrich von Hophthat- mos. A celebrated German epigram- matist; Librarian at Stuttgart, 1817-29; b. in Wurtemberg; d. in Stuttgart.

Hanser, Carl. Rentier Pinneberg; Adolar Sanftleben; Schnake; GretcJien Shoddy. An American journalist, of New York City.

Hausrath, Prof. Adolf. George Taylor.

Havard, Jean Alexandre d'Al- banes-Havard. Albanh Hazard d' ; A. d 'Albanes. A French writer; in the public service.

Haven, Mrs. Alice (Bradley Neal), 1828-63. An American writer; b. in Hudson, N.Y. ; married Joseph C. Neal, of Philadelphia, in 1846; and in 1853, Samuel L. Haven; and afterwards re- sided at Mamaroneck, N.Y.; and d. there.