Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/46

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numerous contributions to periodicals, etc

Bombet, . Alexandra Cesar. Marie Henri Beyle. Lives of Haydn and Mozart ... L. 1818.

Bon Gaultier. Theodore Martin and William Edmonstoune Aytoun. The book of ballads Edited . . . L. 1849. [Re- printed from " Blackwood's Magazine "]

Bon Vieux Temps, fce. The politi- cal letters over this signature contributed to the "Montreal Herald" (about 1815), have been ascribed both to a Mr. Viger and a Mr Quesnel.

Boacoeur, Hi. Levina Buoncuoie Ur- lino. L'instructeur de Tenfance. B. 18G4.

Bones, Brudder. John F. Scott. Brudder Bones's book of stump speeches and burlesque orations . . . N.Y 1808

BonLn, Blaise. Mme. Amandine Lucile Attrore (Dupin) Dudevant employed this signature occasionally in political pam- phlets, etc

Bonner, Sherwood. Mrs Kate Sher- wood (Bonner) McDou.aU. Dialect tales. N.Y. 1883.

Bookseller, A. Charles Marsh. The library : an epistle from ... to a gentle- man, his customer, desiring him to dis- charge his bill. L. 1766.

Bookseller, A. John Dunton, Re- ligio Bibliopolse, or, the religion of ... L. 1728.

Bookworm. Thomas F. Donnelly t in his contributions to various periodicals.

Booth, Albert J. Cecil Bwleigh, in contributions to various New York peri- odicals.

Booty, Bob. Sir Robert Walpole. Bob Booty's lost deal . . . L. 1742.

Bore, Dr. Helle. Charles H. Smith. See "Bill Arp."

Bornnatural, A. Henry Ellison. Mad moments; or, first verse attempts . . . L. 1839.

Borys, Gontran Eugene Berihoud. Les paresseux de Paris. Pans, 187-.

Bos. George W. M. Reynolds* Pick- wick abroad. L. 1840.

Boscawen. Nathaniel Greene, succes- sively editor of the "Concord Gazette," the " New Hampshire Gazette," at Ports- mouth, the "Haverhill (Mass.) Gazette/' the "Essex Patriot/* and the "Boston Statesman."

Bossut, M. 1'Abbe, Professor of Languages. Sir Richard Phillips. The first Trench Grammar. L.

Boston Amateur Poet, A John Patch. The poef s offering. B. 1842.

Boston Bard, The. Robert S, Coffin.

The life of the Boston bard. Written by himself. Mount Pleasant, N.Y., 1825.

Boston Boy, A. Andrew Miot Bel- knap, in the Boston newspapers.

Boston Merchant, A. tiilas Pmckney Holbrook. Letters from, in the "Boston Courier/' 183-

Boston Rebel, The. John Lowell The author of many pamphlets and numerous papers in periodicals on poli- tics, theology, agriculture, etc , under the signatures of "The Eoxbury Farmer/' "The Yankee Farmer," "The New Eng- land Farmer," " The Boston Rebel/' etc

Boston Supernumerary, A. Tom Fo7d Peep behind the curtain. By ... B. 1850.

Bostonian, A /Samuel Adams, in the "Boston Gazette/' April 24, 1769.

Bostonian, A. John Lowell, LL D. The diplomatic policy of Mr. Madison unveiled ... L. 1810

Bostonian, A. William Haliburton. Effects of the stage on the manners of a people, and the propriety of encouraging and establishing a virtuous theatre. B. 1792.

Bostonian, A. William Boott. A fagot from the Coliseum. B. 1869

Bostonian, A. ' Edgar Allan Poe. Tamerlane ; and other poems. 1827.

Bostonian, A. Benjamin Bit*sey Thatcher. Traits of the Tea Party : me- moir of G. K. T. Hewes. N.Y. 1835.

Bos well. W. B. Johnson.

Boswell Redivivus William Haz- litt, in the "New Monthly Magazine/' 1826-27.

Bouquet, Johnny. George Alfred Tounsend, in his contributions to the "Tribune** (N.Y.) .

Bourne, Margaret. Mrs. Jennie A. (Abbott) Johnson.

Bouverie, Bartholomew. William Ewart Gladstone. The Eton miscellany. By ... 1827.

Bouverie, Lionel. Rev. John Hum- phry St. Aubyn. The elopement, or deadly struggle. By ... L. 1838.

Bowline, Billy. Hemy S. Raymond.

Boy, A. Charles Nordhojf. Man-of- war life: a boy's experience in the United States navy. N,Y. 1855.

Boy, A. Samuel Smiles, Jr. Round the world. By ... L. 1872.

Boy, Tenpin. Francis Shubael Smith.

Boy Preacher, The. Rev. Chailes Haddon Spurgeon.

Boyd, Belle. Mrs. J. S. Hammond.

Boyd, Belle. Mrs. Belle Boyd Har- dinge. Belle Boyd in camp and prison. L. 1865.