Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/462

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An English author; b. at St. Veep; Schoolmaster at Polperro ; local preacher.

Hello, Mme Ernest. Jean Lander. A. French novelist.

Helps, Sir Arthur, 1817-75. One of the Special Constables in London. An English author; Tnn. Coll., Cambridge, 1835; was in the public service, 1840- 59; Secretary of the Privy Council, 1859-75.

Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea (Browne), 1703-1833. Clara Balfour; A Lady. An English poet ; b. in Liver- pool, the last years of her life were passed in Dublin, where she died.

Hexnmings, Rev Joseph. A Disci- ple of the P; mce of Peace. An English minister.

Hempel, Friedrich Ferdinand. Peregnnus Syntax. A German philolo- gist of the first part of the 18th century.

Hemyng, Bracebridge. An Old Etonian; Jack Harkaway. An English novelist of the day.

Henderson, Andrew A Christian; An Impartial Hand ; Miltonicus. A Scot- tish writer; once kept a bookseller's shop in Westminster Hall; styled him- self A.M.

Henderson, Miss Florence Leslie, 1859-. F. L. H. An English poet ; b. at Truro ; educ. under masters in Brus- sels and Normandy.

Henderson, Julia Putnam. Theta. An American writer of the day.

Henderson, N J. Tricotrin. An American journalist.

Henderson, Thulia Susannah. T. 8. J2". An English writer.

Henley, Bev. John, 1692-1756. Peter de Quir; Jonadab Swift; Sir Isaac Rai- cliffe, of Elbow-lane. An English lec- turer who, for SO years, delivered his famous orations in London upon theology, etc,

Hennequin, Alfred, 1842-. Alfred Lebrun. A French dramatist ; b. at Lut- tich; studied there, and became an engineer; from 1875 devoted himself, at Paris, entirely to dramatic poetry.

Hennessy, John C. Irraghticonner. An American publisher, of New York City.

Henningsen, Charles Frederick. One who has Seen and Describes. An English writer.

Henry, Caleb Sprague, D.D., 1804- 83. Dr. Oldham at Qreystones. An Amer- ican clergyman; b. at Rutland, Mass.; Dart. Coll., 1825; in 1874 removed to Stamford, Conn.

Henry, David, 1710-92. A Practical Fanner. A Scottish writer; b. near Aberdeen ; resided in London ; was con- nected with the "Gent. Magazine" for more than half a century.

Henry, H. L. H. L. H. An Ameri- can writer for the young.

Henry, Mrs. Ina M. (Porter). Ethel Hope. An American "Southland" writer; in 1872 resided near Greenville, Butler Co., Ala.

Henry, Capt J. Camillus. A Cana- dian writer.

Henry, Mrs. Mary H. Howe Renning. An American novelist of the day

Henry, Walter, M.D., 1791-1860. Miles; Piscator; Sciutatoi ; A Staff Sur- geon. An Irish journalist; b. at Don- negal; was stationed in Canada, 1827- 41; at Halifax, 1841-52; in Canada again till his death at Belleville, Upper Canada

Henshall, James A. Oconomowoc. An American writer of the day, of Wis- consin.

Henshaw, Mrs. . Aunt Maggie.

Henshaw, David, 1791-1852. A Mer- chant. An American politician; b. at Leicester, Mass ; in 1814 settled in Bos- ton ; Collector of the port of Boston, 1830-38 ; d. in his native town.

Henshaw, Mrs. Sarah Edwards. Sidney E. Holmes. An American writer of the day.

Hentz, Mrs. Caroline Lee (Whit- Ing), 1800-66. Aunt Patty. An Amer- ican writer; b. in Lancaster, Mass.; in 1825 married Prof. N. M. Hentz; d. at Marianna, Fla.

Hepworth, Mrs. George Hughes. Una Savin. An American writer ; wife of Rev. a. H. Hepworth, of New York City.

Herbert, David, Daryl Holme* A Scottish translator of the day.

Herbert, Henry George/Lord Porch- ester, and 2d Earl of Carnarvon, 1772- 1833. The Bigwig's Fnend. An Eng- lish nobleman; d. in London.

Herbert, Henry William, 1807-58. W, H. H ; Dinks () ; F. F. of the Ce- dars; Franl Forester; Mr. Sponge; Old Yorkshire Turfman. An English-Ameri- can writer ; came to the United States in 1831 ; his last years were passed at New- ark, N.J.

Herbert, Sarah A. F. Herbert New- bury. An American ( ? ) writer.

Hereford, John Butler, P.D., Bish- op of, 1717-1802. Vindex. An English clergyman; b. at Hamburg; Bishop of Hereford, 1788-1802, where he died,