Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/486

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Lang, Jolin. MofusslJite. An Eng- lish C 2 ) humorist.

JDange, Ernst Philipp Karl, 1813-. Philipp Galen. A German novelist ; b. at Potsdam ; studied medicine at Berlin ; entered the Prussian army as a surgeon ; afterwards travelled extensively , and in 1878 retired from service on a pension

I/anghorne, Her John, 1735-79. One ofH. M.'s Justices of the Peace. An Eng- 1'ish poet and translator; b. in Kirby Stephen; best known as the translator (with his brother William) of "Plutarch's Lives "

Langley, . Pavo. An English

journalist, of London.

Langton, Joseph. Thomas Bullion An English financial writer.

Langworthy, Asahel, A.M, -1835. A. Kentuckian. An American writer; Univ. of Vermont, 1805

Lianigan, George F, 1846-. AIM, Tozopholite. A Canadian journalist and sporting writer; b. at St. Charles, River Richelieu, Upper Canada ; in 1867 joined the staff of the Montreal "Gazette "

Laninan, Charles, 1819-. An Angler , A Landscape Painter; A Tourist. An American journalist; b. at Monroe, Mich. ; for some years private secretary to Daniel Webster ; afterwards librarian to the U S. House of Representatives ; in 1871 became American Secretary of the Japanese Legation at Washington

Lansing, Abraham. One of the Peo- ple. An American political writer; a broker of Boston.

Larcombe, Miss Jane Elizabeth. Kate Campbell See "Lincoln, Mrs. Eeraan."

Gardner, Nathaniel, D.D , 1684-1768 PMaletnes. An English Dissenter; b at Hawkhurst, Kent; Asst. Minister at Crutched Friars, London, 1729-68.

Larking, Rev. Lambert Blackwell, M.A., -1868. L.B.A. An English cler- gyman; b. at Maidstone; Brasenose Coll., Oxford, 1820; Chaplain to Yiscountess Falmouth, Baroness Despencer; d. at Ryarsh Vicarage, Maidstone.

La Rochefoucould-IdancourtjFran- c,ois Alexandre Frederic, due de, 1747- 1827. Un Europen. A French peer and philanthropist; travelled in the United States, 1792-99.

Laroue, Mile Leonie. Rene*. A French dramatist, of M&con, actu- ellement & Paris.

fcarra, Mariano Jose de, 1809-37. Ramon de Arriala,; Figaro. A witty and popular Spanish writer and journalist ; b, and d. in Madrid.

iJa Rue, F. A H , M D Isidore de Me'- plats A Canadian journalist, of Quebec.

Larwood, Rev. Joshua, -1808. A Sailoi. An English clergyman, Rector of Swanton Morley, Norfolk ; and many yenrs chaplain on board the "Britannia "

Lascelles, Robert. Piscator, An English angler.

kascelles, Rowley, Esq., 1771-1841. A Member of it ; Numa ; Pubhcola ; Yor~ id. An English lawyer , b, m the par- ish of St. James, Westminster ; educ. at Harrow School; and called to the bar at the Middle Temple in 1797, afterwards resided m Dublin ; and practised at the Irish bar about 20 years.

IJasselle, Mrs. E. L. E, L. L. An American writer.

Lasson, Adolf, 1832-. L. Adolf. A German poet and philosopher; b. at Altstrelitz m Mechlmburg; from 1877 teacher of Philosophy in the University of Berlin.

IJa Terriere, Pierre De Salles, M.D., -1834. A Canadian. A French Can- adiaji physician; d. at Les Eboulements, Lower Canada.

Jjatey, John Lash. A Working Man. An English writer.

Latham, Rev Henry, M. A Presbyter Cicestrensis. An English clergyman; Vicar of Fittleworth, Petworth, Sussex, 1827-60 et seq.

Latham, Henry Jepson. Ring Jep- son. An American writer of the day.

Lathbury, Hiss Mary A. Aunt Mary. An American writer for the young.

Lathrop, John, Jr., A M., 1772-1820. Moral Censor. A famous American wit, poet, and orator; son of the Rev. Dr. John Lathrop, of Boston ; b. in Boston ; Harv. Univ,1789.

Lathrop, John Hiram, LL.D., 1799- 1866. ACilisenofNewYotJc. An Amer- ican educator; b at Sherburne, NY. ; Yale Coll., 1819; President of the Univ. of Columbia, Missouri, 1865-66; and d. there.

Lathrop, Mrs. Mary (Torrans). Lena. An American writer; b. in Cen- tral Michigan ; m 1864 married Garnett C. Lathrop ; began to write at the early age of 14 years.

Lathy, Thomas Pike, Esq., 1771-. Piscator. An English poet ; b. in Exeter ; bred to trade, but devoted himself chiefly to letters.

Latouche, J. D. The Cheshire Weaver. An English writer of the first part of the 18th century.

Latrobe, Charles Joseph. The Ram- bler in Mexico. An English traveller;