Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/496

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Richard QuongtL An English historian; b. at Kothley Temple, Lei- cestershire ; B.A., Cambridge, 1822; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1826, but never practised ; d. at Holly Lodge, Kensington.

McBride, James, 1789-1859 A Cit- izen of the United States. Aa American author, of Hamilton, 0. ; one of the old- est and best-known pioneers of Southern Ohio.

McBurney, M. Carroll Malone. An American journalist.

McCatoe, James D., about 1840-. Edward Winslow Martin. An American writer; b. at Richmond, Va.; resided ia that city during the civil war, devoting his pen to the service of the Confederate cause; has since resided in Brooklyn, K.Y., engaged in literary work.

Maccall, William, M.A , 1812-. At- ticus A Scottish miscellaneous writer, of London; b. at Largs, Ayrshire; educ, at Glasgow and Geneva.

McCance, James Law. /. L Mc-

O ; McC ; Mac. An English

gentleman, of Inglewood, St. James's Itoad, Sutton, Surrey.

McCann, P. The Man about Town. An American writer

McCarroll, James, 1815-. Terry Finnegan. A Canadian poet, humorist, and miscellaneous writer, of Upper Can- ada.

MacCarthy, Mrs. Charlotte. A Lady. An English writer,

McCarthy, Denis Florence, about 1820-82, J. H. An Irish poet, de- scended from the ancient royal Irish sept of MacCauras; from 1871, he re- ceived a pension of 100; d. in London.

McCaul, John, D.D., LL D , 1807-. A Graduate. An eminent Irish-Cana- dian scholar ; b. in Dublin ; Trin. Coll., Dublin ; Vice Chancellor of the Univ. of Toronto from 1859.

MacClean, Edward, 1847-. Mac. An American journalist and bibliographer.

McClellan, Mrs. Harriet (Hare). Ifarford Ftemminq, An American nov- elist, at one time of Philadelphia.

M'CIeUan, Kate. K. JSf. An Amer- ican writer.

Mcdenthen, Charles S. A Private Soldier. An American writer,

McCIure, David, DJX, 1748-1820, A Native of Philadelphia An American Piesbyt. clergyman; b. at Newport, R.I.; Tale Coll., 1769; pastor at East Wind- sor (now South Windsor), Conn, 1786- 1820, where he died.

McClusfcey, Henry, 1827-70. Paddy.

An American journalist, of Philadel- phia (I).

McCobb, Mrs. Mary Selden. Marti Densel An American writer oi' the day

McColl, Evan, 1808-. The Mountain Mmsti el A Scottish-Canadian lyric poet, of Kingston; b. at Kenmore; removed to Canada m 1850.

McColl,Rev.Malcolm,M.A ,1? B.S L., 1838- Expertus; Scrutator A Scottish clergyman of the English Church , b at Glenfinan in Ross-shire ; educ. at Edin- burgh and in Germany j "Rector of St. George, London, 1871-88 et seq.

McConnell, William. Mac(Artist). An English poet of the day.

McCord, Mrs. Adelaide, 1835-C8 Jndigma. An Atnericsin writer.

HcCord, Mrs. Louisa S. (Clieves), 1810-. A Lady of South Carolina. An American "Southland" writer; b. a.t Columbia, S.C,; in 1840 married David J. McCord; during the civil war resided in her native city.

MacCormick, Charles, LL B., 1752- 1807 A Member of his Privy Council. An Irish writer, studied law in London ; but chiefly devoted himself to literary pursuits ; d. in London.

McCormicfc, M. R The Foiest War- bler. An American writer of the day.

McCosh, John, M.D. Nomcntmo An English writer of the day.

McCracken, J. L. H, about 1813-63. An Emeritus Professoi. An American merchant and humorist; b. in New York City; d. in Sierra Leone, Africa.

MoCrie, Thomas, D.I)., 1772-1805. tfcoto-Britannicus. An eminent Scottish critic, biographer, and historian; b. at Dunse; pastor at Edinburgh from 1795, where he died.

M'Cmgar, Thomas. Zeno. A Scot- tish writer, of Edinburgh.

McCrum, Myra Daisy. Daisy How- ard.

M'Culloch, David. Oleander. A Scottish writer, of Glasgow, of the day.

McCulloch, John Ramsay, 1789- 1864. /. R. M. An eminent Scottish economist; b. at "Whitborn; professor in the Univ. of London, 1828-32; d. at Westminster.

M'Culloh, James H., Jr, M.D. An Officer of the U.S. Army. An American physician, of Baltimore, Md.; b. in Mary- land; Garrison Surgeon, 1814; disbanded. 1816.

McCullough, Joseph B. An Ameri- can journalist of the day, of St, Louis, Mo.

McDanlel, Samuel Walton, LL.B.,