Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/498

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Second-Sight An American poet, novel- ist, and miscellaneous writer, of Phila- delphia.

Mcllvaine, Eliza Rodman. See ff Church, Mrs. Eliza Rodman (Mcll- raine)."

Macintosh, . 3/. An American

journalist, of Buffalo, N.Y.

Mclntosh, Maria Jane, 1808-% Aunt Kitty. An American novelist ; b. at Sun- bury, Ga. ; removed to New York City in 1835, and devoted herself to literary work.

Macintosh, William. A Lover of his Country* A Scottish writer of the 18th century, of Borlum.

Mclntyre, Hugh D. Aberdeen.

Macfcarness, Ht. Rev. John Fielder, D D. One of themselves. An English clergyman; Merton Coll., Oxford, 1844; Bishop of Oxford, 1870-83 et seg.

Mackarness, Matilda Anne (Planch^). Susie Sunbeam. An Eng- lish writer for the young.

Macltay, Miss . Jeannie Bods.

An English C 2 ) journalist.

Mackay, Aberigh, 1849-81 Ali Bdba. An Indian official; Principal of the Presidency Coll., at Indore, Ind.

Hackay, Andrew, LL.D., F.K.S.E., 1759-1809. James Andrew, A.M. A Scottish mathematician; Mathematical Examiner to the Hon. E. I. Co.j d. in George Street, Trinity Square, Minories.

Mackay, Charles, LL.IX, 1814-. Herman Gnmbosh ; John Wagstaffe, Esq., of Wilbye O-tange; Launcelot Wagstaffe. A Scottish poet and journalist; b. m Perth; educ. in London; of London from 1847 ; United States correspondent of the f; London Times," 1862-65.

Mackay, Francis Alexander. Fran- cis Fitzhugh. A Scottish poet of the day.

Mackay, Rev. James. A Chaplain in H. M. Indian Service. An English clergyman, at Tort George.

MacKellar, Thomas, 1812-. Tarn. An American poet; b. in New York City; a type-founder of Philadelphia from 1833

Macken, John. Ismail Fitzadaw. An Irish sailor and poet; b. at Brooken- borough; in 1820, -wrote for the London " Literary Gazette."

aiacKenna, Theobald, Esq., -1809. A Catholic and a Burkist. An Irish bar- rister-at-law.

McKenny, Thomas Lorraine, 1784- 1858. Aristides, An American writer; Indian Agent, in the employ of the United States Indian Department; d. in Kev York City.

Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell,

1803-48. The American tn England; A Young Amencan. An American naval officer ; b. in New York City ; d at Tar- rytown, N.Y.

Mackenzie, Mrs Anne Maria. El- len of Exeter. An Englis| novelist, of Exeter.

Mackenzie, C. F. II Musanmf. An English writer of the clay.

McKenzie, G. A. JEllis Dak. A Canadian journalist

Mackenzie, George, 1630 or 31-1714. E. C, An eminent Scottish statesman; Viscount Tarbat and Earl of Cromarty.

Mackenzie, Sir George Steuart, 7th Baronet, F.R SS. L. and E., -1848. M. A Scottish baronet, of Coul, Co. Ross.

Mackenzie, Rev. H M. H. M'K.

Mackenzie, Henry, Esq, 1745-1831. Brutus. A Scottish lawyer and man of letters; attorney in the Court of Ex- chequer at Edinburgh, 17CG; later, Comptroller-General of taxes for Scot- land; d at Edinburgh

Mackenzie, James, M.B , -1761. A Physician. A Scottish physician, of Worcester.

Mackenzie, Kenneth Robert H. Cryptonymus. An English (*) writer of the day

Mackenzie, Mary Jane. A Lady. An English religious writer.

Mackenzie, Peter. The Odd Fellow ; A Ten-Pounder. A Scottish writer, of Glasgow.

Mackenzie, Robert Shelton, LL.1>,, 1809-1 88-. ft. S. M.; Sholto; JLittlejohn. An Irish author and journalist; b. in Limerick Co.; of Philadelphia, from 1852

Mackenzie, Rev. William. W . M. A Scottish minister, of North Leith.

Mackenzie, William Lyon, 1795- 1861 Patrick jSw?ft A Canadian jour- nalist; b. at Springfield, Porfar, Scot- land; came to Toronto, 1824; was for a long time connected with the New York " Tribune " ; d, at Toronto.

McKinney, H I>. Mambrtno, An American journalist, of Janesville, 0.

Mackinnon, Campbell. C. M. An English poet of the day.

Mackintosh, Ht. Hon. Sir James, Knt., M D., LL,D , 1765-1832. A Bar- rister; The Grhost of Vandegrab, An emi- nent Scottish philosopher; b. at Aldou- rie House, near Inverness; educ. at King's Coll, Aberdeen; removed to Edinburgh and studied medicine; in 1787, removed to London; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1795 ; an M.P,,