Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/503

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Tennessean. An American missionary; b. at Dalton, Mass.; Williams Coll, 1842; Andorer Theol. Sem, 1845; mis- sionary, 1849-60, in 1882 residing at Amherst, Mass.

Marsh, Miss F. Nellie. An English novelist.

Marsh, James, D D., 1794-1842. Philopis. An American philosopher, theologian, and educator; b. at Hart- ford, Vt.; Dartmouth Coll., 1817; Pres- ident of the Univ. of Vermont, 1826-33 ; Professor of Philosophy, 1833-42.

Marshall, A. J P. A Bachelor of Ai ts. An English writer of the day.

Marshall, Charles, j&arkaway; He- i aclitus Grey. An English sporting writer of the day.

Marshall, Rev. Charles. G. M., Vicar of Bi ixworth. An English clergyman.

Marshall, Rev. Edmund, 1724-97. Cantianus An English clergyman; Curate of Egerton, 1773-97.

Marshall, George W. G-. W. M. An English writer of the day.

Marshall, Oliver P. Revilo.

Marshall, Rev. Thomas William. Archdeacon Chasuble, D.D An English R. C. clergyman ; once Curate of Swal- lowcliffe.

Marston, Edward. A Publisher. An English publisher, of London, of the day.

Marteau, Am 6 dee Marcellus.

Martin, Alfred Tobias John, 1802- 60. A Cosmopolite. An English poet; b. in Helston, Cornwall ; d. at Adelaide, South Australia.

Martin, Mrs. Bell, -1850. Mrs. Mar- tin Bell. An Irish lady ; born to an in- heritance which extended over a territory exceeding the domains of many a Ger- man prince, she was known as " the Irish heiress"; but within two years (about 1847) found herself at the head of her estates without a shilling she could call her own ; d. in New York City

Martin, Bon Louis Henri, 1810-83. Felix. A French historian, of Paris; professor at the Sorbonne from 1848; d. at Paris.

Martin, Mrs. Clara (Barnes) C. B. M. An American writer of the day.

Martin, Mrs. E. Throop. A Lady. An American compiler.

Martin, Edward Sanford, 1856-. E. S. M. An American poet; b. at " Willowbrook," near Auburn, N.Y.; studied law till Oct., 1879, when he be- came a clerk at Washington, in the Dept. of State; has since studied again at 'Cambridge, Mass.

Martin, Rev. Frederick, M.A., -1864.

F. M. An English clergyman, of Trin. Coll , Cambridge; B A, 1S28; Rector of South Somercotes, etc., where he died.

Martin, Sir Henry, 3d Bart., 1801-63, A Lay Baronet; Phcenix. An English antiquary; b. in London; d. at Tun- bridge Wells.

Martin, J F. Hydrant Chuck. An American writer.

Martin, J. L., -1848 J. L. M. An American satirical poet; charge' d'affaires of the United States to the Pontifical States; d at Rome (*}.

Martin, James Sullivan. A Revolu- tionary Soldier. An American writer.

Martin, John, Esq , E.S.A., 1791- 1855 J. M. An English bookseller, of London; b. in that city; in 1836 became librarian to the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey; d. at Froxfield, near Woburn.

Martin, Josiah. J. M. An English writer of the earlier part of the 18th cen- tury.

Martin, Michael. Lightfoot* An English highwayman.

Martin, Mrs SalUeM. (Davis). Sibyl An American " Southland " writer ; b. in South Carolina; in 1863 married Mr. George W. Martin, of Atlanta, Ga,

Martin, Miss Selina. S. M. An English writer.

Martin, Sir Theodore, B.C C., 1816-. Bon Gaultier. A Scottish poet; b. and educ. in Edinburgh; at first wrote for Eraser's and Tait's Magazines " ; edited, for Queen Victoria, "Life of H.R.H. the Prince Consort."

Martin, Thomas. An Irish Land Owner. An Irish lawyer, of Dublin; Trin. Coll., 1853.

Martin, William, -1867. Old Chatty Cheerful; Peter Parley. An English writer and publisher for the young ; car- ried on "Peter Parley's Annual** for 26 years ; d. at Hollv Lodge, "Woodbridge.

Martineau, Harriet, 1802-76. H. M ; An Invalid. An English miscella- neous writer; b. at Norwich; entered upon her literary life in 1823 ; visited the United States in 1834; d. at Ambleside.

Martyn, John, MJX, 1699-1768. Bavins. A learned English writer ; b. in London; Professor of Botany in the Univ. of Cambridge.

Maseres, Francis, 1731-1824. A Friend to the Church of England, An English lawyer; b. in London; Attorney- General for Canada till 1773 ; and after- wards Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer ; d. at Heigate, Surrey.

Maskell, Hev. William, 1814-. W.