Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/507

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Meigs, Return Jonathan, 1740-1823. A Resident of Twelve Years at Marietta, in that State. An eminent American sol- dier , b. in Middletown, Conn. ; settled in Marietta, in 1788; d. at the Cherokee agency.

Meikleliam, Robert. Robert Stuait. An English artist (*).

Meln, John. Sagittanus An Amer- ican political writer , a printer and book- seller of Boston ; a strong Tory ; kept a circulating library; was editor of the "Boston Chronicle/' but becoming ob- noxious to the patriots, in 1769 fled to England, and the " Chronicle " was dis- continued in 1770.

Mem, Robert. A Merchant Citizen. A Scottish writer, of Edinburgh

Meldrum, Rev. George, -1709. A Friend in the City. A Scottish minister at Edinburgh.

Meli, Giovanni, about 1740-1815. Sicilian Anacreon. An eminent Sicilian poet.

Meline, Miss Mary Miller. Florence Me Coomb. An American (*) novelist of the day.

Mellen, Grenville, 1799-1841. Regi- nald Reverie. An American poet; b. in Biddeford, Me.; Harv. Univ., 1818; re- sided about five years in Boston, but removed to New York City in 1839.

Mellish, J. C. J. C. M., Esq. An English translator

Mellish, Joseph. M. An English scholar, of Eton Coll. ; a contributor to the " Microcosm," 1787.

Melmoth, William, Esq., 1710-99. Sir Thomas Fitsosborne. An elegant Eng- lish writer ; b. in London ; was a lawyer , resided many years at Shrewsbury, and then at Bath, where he died.

Melnikow, Pawel Iwanowitsch, 1819-. Andrei Petscherstij. A Russian author; b. at Nishni], Nowgorob; studied at Kasan, and entered the service of the State.

Memes, Mrs. Ann (Ritchie). A Lady. A Scottish writer; wife of Dr. John Smythe Memes, of Edinburgh.

Memminger, Charles Gustavus, 1803-. A Spectator of the Past. An American lawyer and politician; b. in Wurtemberg ; came to Charleston, S.C., when a child ; Secretary of the Treasury in the Confederate States Cabinet, 1861- 64.

Mfcndes, Judith (Gautier), I860-. Judith Walter; Judith M^ndes. A French writer; b. at Paris; daughter of Theo- phile Gautier ; is at once a j>oet, musi- cian, novelist, sculptor, and painter.

Mendham, Rev. Joseph. Caiholicus; Eupator. An English clergyman, of Sut- ton Coldfield, near Birmingham

Mennis, Sir John, 1508-1G71 >. J t M. An English poet; vice-admiral, E N. ; Chief Comptroller of the Navy, and Governor of Dover Castle.

Mercer, Charles Fenton, LL D., 1778-1858. A Late American Statesman. An American soldier and statesman ; b. at Eredericksburg, Ya. ; New Jersey Coll , 1797 ; studied law ; M C., 1817-40 , d. at Howard, near Alexandria, Va.

Mercer, Edward Smyth. An Lish Sennachy. An Irish poet of the day.

Mercer, William. A Person Abroad. A Scottish writer.

Mercier, Alfred. J/***, lomsianais. An American novelist, of New Orleans.

Mercier de Compiegne, Claude Frangois Xavler, 1763-1800. C. M. D. C. A French editor, compiler, and writer, of Paris.

Meredith, Sir William. A Member of Parliament. An English political writer of the 18th century.

Mereweather, Rev. Francis, LL.B. A Country Vicar. An English clergy- man ; Rector of Cole Orton, Ashby-de-la- Zouche, 1815-60 et seg.

Merime'e, Prosper, 1803-70. Clara Gazul A Trench writer; b. in Paris; studied law, but did not practise; in- spector of the monuments of Pans from 1834.

Merivale, John Herman, Esq , F.S.A., 1779-1844. ,/. H. M. An Eng- lish lawyer; b. m Exeter; St. John's Coll., Cambridge; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, but devoted his life chiefly to literary pursuits; d at his house in Bedford Square, London.

Merrill, H. R. Old Scout.

Merrill, Royal W. The Lounger in the Lobby An American journalist.

Merriman, Samuel, M D , 1771-1858. L. N.; S. M.; Correspondent ; 'Itepavepd- TCOS. An English physician ; b. at Marl- borough, Wilts ; practised has profession in London, where he died.

Merry, Robert, 1755-98. Delia Crusca; Tom Thome. An English poet and dramatist, of London; b. in that city; came to the United States in 1790 ; and d. in Baltimore.

Merry, Robert, Roscoe, etc. A Soci- ety called the Qziosi.

Merryweather, Mrs. J. A. J. A* M. An English poet.

Mesonero y Romanos, Ramon de, 1803-. II Parlante Curioso. A Spanish writer and journalist; b. in Madrid;