Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/515

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known. An English satirist of the 19th century

Murphy, Henry Crude, 1810-82. The Translator. An American lawyer and Itttetateu? ; b. in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; -practised his profession in that city, M.C , 1843-40; d in Brooklyn.

Murphy, James Cavanah, about 1760-1816 Domimck Vandelli, LL.D. An Irish traveller, author, and architec- tural artist.

Murphy, Jeremiah Daniel, Esq., 1806-24. Jacobus Dapiferus, Corcagiensis An Irish poet and linguist ; b. in Cork. He spoke or wrote the Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Irish languages with the utmost flu- ency and precision, and was profoundly versed in their respective literatures. D. in Cork.

Murray, Alexander. A. M , a Lay- man A Scottish theological writer

Murray, Daniel. A. Pious Lawyer. An American writer , once a lieutenant in the American navy.

Murray, Rev. David. Clericus. A Scottish minister, of Dysart.

Murray, Mrs. Elizabeth. An Artist. An English writer on the fine arts.

Murray, Eustace Clare Orenville, 1881* Trois-JStoiles ; The Roving Eng- lishman; Duke of Scampmgton. An English journalist and miscellaneous writer; d. at Passy.

Murray, Mrs Hannah. Ij. H, L. M. An American writer.

Murray, James James B. Manson, of Bannockburn. A Scottish writer.

Murray, Rev. James, -1782. J M.; A Clergyman i An Impartial Hand; Ahab Salem. An English Dissenter, of New- castle.

Murray, John, 1778-1843 ****

            • An English gentleman.

Murray, John, F.S.A., FX.S., F.G.R.S. A Fellow of the Linjiozar Society. An English author.

Murray, Sir John Archibald, Lord Murray. A Member of the Court; J. A. M. A Scottish writer.

Murray, Mrs Judith (Sargent), 1751-1820. Constantia, An American writer; wife of Rev. John Murray, of Boston.

Murray, Nicholas, D.D., 1802-62.

Kirwan. An American Presbyt clergy- man; b in Ireland; Williams Coll, 1826 ; Princeton Theol. Sem , 1829 ; pas- tor of the First Presbyt. Church in Ehz- abethtown, N J , 1834-62.

Murray, Patrick, 5th Lord Elibank A Peer oj Scotland; A Peer of the Realm ; A Person of Distinction. A Scottish nobleman.

Murray, William Vans. A Citizen of the United States. An American polit- ical writer.

Mursell, Rev. Arthur. John Search. An English writer.

Musgrave, Rev George, M.A. Via- tor Verax. An English clergyman,* B.N.C, Oxford, 1819; Vicar of Borden, Kent, 1838-54; resident at Borden Hall, Kent, 1883 et seq.

Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de, 1810-57. A. D. M. A French poet; b. and d. in Paris; became a leader in the Romantic school of literature; li- brarian of the Ministry of the Interior under Louis Philippe.

Mussey, Benjamin Bussey, 1805-57. A Proprietor of said Church. An Ameri- can publisher and bookseller, of Boston ; b. in Bradford, Vt. ; d in Boston.

Musson, Eugene. Un Creole de la Louisiane. An American Southern writer.

Muybridge, E. J. Hehos An Amer- ican writer.

Muza&ova, Johanna, 1800-. Caro- line Svtld. A Bohemian writer; b. in Prague; in 1871 she founded in her native city a society for the education of Bohemian girls.

Muzzey, Rev. Artemas Bowers. A. B. M. An American clergyman ; Harv. Univ., 1824; resident at Newburyport and Cambridge, Mass , from 1830.

Myer, Albert J , 1828-80. Old Prob. An American meteorologist, of the Sig- nal Office, Washington, D.C.; d. at Buf- falo, JST.Y.

Myers, Allen O. Pickaway. An American journalist.

Myers, F N. Norb. An American bicycler, of Covington, Ky.

Myers, Peter Hamilton, 1812-. First of the Knickerbockers. An American law- yer and novelist ; b. at Herkimer, N.T. ; in 1861, of Brooklyn, N.Y.