Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/52

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, Lord. Jacques Attnn Simon de Plane i/. La mort de Kapoleon, dithryambe traduit de 1' Anglais de Lord Byron precedc'e d'une notice sur la vie et la mort de Napoleon Bona- parte, par Th. Moore (idem), Paris, 1821.

Bystander, A. Patrick JFraser, LL.D, Domestic economy, gymnastics, and music, an omitted clause in the educa- tion bill . . . Edmb. 1865

Bystander, A. Corbyn Morris. A letter from ... to a member of Parlia- ment ... L. 1741.


CD* Charles Clarice. Twelve maxims on swimming. L. 1833.

C The signature adopted by Junius (fl.t\) in his private letters to Mr. Wood- fall Several letters to the "Public Ad- vertiser" (e.g., March 24, 1768, etc.) are also signed tlius,

C Mrs FJ ancesca Anna (Pascahs) Can- field, who made translations from the French and Italian, wrote original hymns in Italian, and was a frequent contributor, under various signatures, to literary jour- nals.

C John Cfonan, in the " Times " (Brook- lyn, N.T.).

C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in Lamb's " Eha," passim,

C. Et. Hon. John Wilson Croker, in " ]S T otes and Queries," L 1850.

C Jfer. JSdward Bourerie Pusey t one of the contributors to "Tracts for the Times," L. 1840-48.

C. Robert Smith. His signature to papers in the u Microcosm/* published at Eton College, 1787 et seq.

C. Mrs. Caroline Anne (Bowles) Southey. For more than twenty years her writings were published without her name, and many of them in "Blackwood's Maga- zine* 7 ' under the signature of "C."

C Hon. Charles ITorle, in his contri- butions to the "Athenian Letters" . . , L. 1741-43.

C, llathew Carey. Advices and sug- gestions to increase the comforts of per- sons in humble circumstances. P. 1832.

C. Un< Arthur Cleveland Coxe. Chris- tian ballads. N.Y. 1840.

C. Alexander Chalmers. Dissenter's psalms, " Gent Mag ," August, 1794, p. 60G ; Biographical anecdotes of the late Mr. Bos well, " Gent Mag./' June, 1795, p. 469.

C- Francis Kingston* Essay on friend- ship, " Cornish Magazine," 1828,

C Edward Capper* Miscellaneous observations upon authors, ancient and modern. L. 1731-32,

C, or Coadjutor. Rev, Menru 3&en, Translator of "Coluthus Lyco-

polites, J> in Dr, Anderson's edition of " Translations," in which " C " stood for " Coadjutor," who was Mr. Meen.

C, Dr Samuel Cooper, D.D, } m Be- loe'a " Sexagenarian," L, 39, 2d ed. L. 1818.

C., Lord Lord Camelfcrd See Lamb's "Elia" Distant correspond- ents.

C. ; J^Irs. Mrs Jfaria Susanna Cooper> in Beloe's "Sexagenarian," I., 40, 333. 2d ed. L 1818.

C,, A. Antome CaiUot Abreg(J des voyages modernes . . . Paris, 1820,

C , A. Alexander Cameron A letter to the Eev, John Smith, D D. . . . on Ms Life of St Cohimba. 1798.

C, A. Alexander Chalmets. Memoir of John Nichols, Esq., PSA.... L. 1820.

C , A } Esq. Anthony Collins. A dis- sertation, on liberty and necessity . , . L. 1729.

C, Sir A. Sir Astleij Cooper. See Lamb's "Elia," Ellis toniana.

C , A. C. Eev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe. Saul : a mystery . . . N.T, 1845.

C., A. N, Archibald N. Oarmichael Genealogy of her Majesty. Queen Vic- toria . . . Edinb. 1845.

C., B. Benjamin Chandler. The Apos- tles' Creed b'etter than the Assembly's Catechism ... L. 1720.

C., B. Bracy Clark. A new exposi- tion of the horse's hoof. L. 1820

C., B., Vestryman of Marylefcoae. Bracy Clark An exposure of the cor- ruption of the Saxon name Arm's Housen into Almshouses ... L.

C., C. Charles Coghlan. Love and hate ; or, the court of Charles I. A his- torical drama ... L 1857.

C, C. Charles Clark. Tiptree races : a comic punning poem, a la Hood's cele- brated " Epping Hunt." L. 1884.

C., C. Charles Chorley* Translations, 1866; Verse, 1867; Horutian metres at- tempted in English, 1867; The episode of Hector and Andromache . . , 1867 j