Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/528

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Pedder, James, 1775-1859. J. P. An English agriculturist ; b. at Newport, Isle of Wight; came to this country about 1832; edited the "Boston Cultiva- tor," 1844-59 ; d. at Roxbury, Mass.

Peebles, Mrs. Mary fc., 1839-. Lynde Palmer. An American writer for the young; b. in Lansingburg, N Y.

Peebles, William, D.D. A Clergy- man of the Church of Scotland A Scottish minister and poet, at Newton-upon-Ayr.

Peel, Sir Robert, 2d Bart, D.CL, 1788-1850. The Minister. An English statesman; b. near Bury, Lancashire; educ. at Harrow and Oxford; English Premier, 1834-35 and 1841-46; d in London.

Pegge, Samuel, LL.D., 1704-96. 8. P.; P. 8.; 0.; P.; P.E.f L.E ; P. a ; An Antiquary; L. Echard; Paul Gemsege; A Ploughist; Portius; T.Roiu; Senex; Vica- nus *Cantianu&; A Late Learned and Rev- erend Divine. An eminent English anti- quary; b. in Chesterfield; Prebendary of Lincoln, 1772-96.

He published, besides his other works, several hundred articles on antiquities in "Archo- logia," "Bibl. Top. Brit.," and c< Ghmtleman's Magazine." See " Gent. Mag." L2VL, pp. 891, S92, 979, 1081, 1084.

Peignot, Etienne Gabriel, 1767- 1849. Jacques Rambler. A learned French bibliographer.

Peirce, Augustus, MD., 1802-49. Poeta, Engina Societatis. An American physician ; b. at New Salem, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1820; practised his profession at Tyngsborough, Mass., and d. there.

Peirce, Benjamin, LLJX, F.K.S., 1809-81. Ben Yamen ; Benjamin the Flor- entine. An eminent American mathe- matician; b. at Salem, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1831; professor at Harv. Univ., 1882-81 ; d. at Cambridge.

Peirce, Benjamin Osgood, Jun., Ph.D., 1854-. Eleven Sophomores. An American mathematician; b. at Beverly; Harv. Univ., 1876; instructor in his alma mater, 1876-77, 1881-84; and assist- ant professor, 1884-85.

Peirce, Bradford Kinney, D.D., 1819-. B. K. P.; The Chaplain. An American clergyman; b. in Royalton, Vt.; Wesleyan Univ., 1841; chaplain of the House of Refuge, Randall's Island, N.Y,, 1868-72 ; editor of " Zion's Herald/' Boston, from 1872.

Peirce, I. A Wanderer. An Ameri- can writer.

Peirce, Rev. James, 1673-1726. A Dissenter in the Country. An eminent English Nonconformist divine, of Exon ; b. in London.

Peirson, Mrs. Eliza O. Attqw, An American writer for the press, of the day.

Pelham, the Right Hon. Henry, 1605-1754. Mr P****m. An Eng- lish statesman; Chancellor of the 1 Ex- chequer, 1743-54.

Pell, Ferris. Pubticola. An Ameri- can writer on money and banking ; a law- yer; Columbia Coll, 1806.

Pell, Robert Conger, 1835-08. diet- wood Evelyn, Esq. An American miscel- laneous writer ; b in New York City ; d. at Interlachen, Switzerland.

This is also given: Robert Cruyer Pell. " Clement Evelyn, Esq."

Pelligrini, . Spy. An American

journalist, of New York City.

Pels, Edward, 1800-76. Treumnnd Wdp. A German writer; b. at Venig, Saxony; was a publisher and bookseller in several European cities, 1816-50; spent in the United States 1850-66; was de- voted to literary work at Gotha, 1809-76, where he died.

P ember,, Arthur. A.P< AnAmeri- ican writer, of New York City.

Pemberton, Lieut. Col. , Leo.

An English officer; a writer of the day.

Pemberton, Charles Reecc, 1790- 1840. A Sailor. An English actor, elo- cutionist, and poet; in 1832-84 he contrib- uted a series of papers to the " Monthly Repository," entitled " Autobiography of Pal Verjuice," which was believed to shadow forth some of the vicissitudes of his own early life; d, at Birmingham.

Pemberton, Edgar. P. M. Berton. An English novelist.

Pembroke, George Robert Charles Herbert, 13th Earl, 1850-. Ttie Earl An English nobleman; educ. at Eton; Under-Secretary of War, 1874r-75,

Penfield, A. A. P. An American financier of the day.

PengeUy, William, F.R.S., E.G.S., 1812-. y. M. ; A Geologist. An English geologist, etc. ; b. at Castle Street, East Looe ; in 1878, resident at Lamorna, Tor- quay.

Penn, William, Esq., 1776-1845. The JRajah of Vaneplysia ; An Undergrad- uate. An English gentleman ; a descend- ant of Admiral Sir William Penn, father of the founder of Pennsylvania ; passed most of his life within certain confines of Southwark; d. in Nelson-square, Southwark.

Penneck, Rev. Henry, M.A., 1800- 62. Mr* Bayle, An English clergyman, of Penzance, Cornwall; b. at Market- Jew Street, Penzance ; d. at Penzance.

Pennecuik, Alexander, M.D., 1652-