Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/534

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Brabazon, 181o~ RirMrd Hoc. An English lawyer and dramatist , b. in Lon- don; Irin Coll , Cambridge, M.A,, 1837 , called to the Bar, 1840; and gnen the Midland Circuit.

Fonsonby, lion. Spencer Cecil Bra- bazon, 1824-. Helton Row An English writer; son. of the 4th Earl of "Besbor- ough j private secretary to Lord Palmer- ston, and in 1853, to Lord Clarendon.

Fontes,Mmede (Phillips). The

Tiatislator of the Xitbelungen Treasure. An English poet and dramatist; previ- ously Miss Phillips,

Pool, Maria Jj. Catharine Earnshaic. An American -writer of the day.

Poole, Ricliard, M D. An Aged Lay- man. A Scottish physician, of the 19th century

Poole, Sirs SopMa (kane). A Con- sul's Daughter and Wife; The English- woman; Ilis Stater An English writer; sister of Edward William Lane , and wife of Stanley Poole.

Poole, \Filliam. Frederick, A.M, 1S21- P.; Philorthos. An eminent Amer- ican .bibliographer; b. in Salem, Mass ; Yale Coll , IS^D ; librarian of the Chicago Public Library from 1873.

Pooley, A Gentleman of the,

^fiddle Temple. An English barrister, of great eminence in his time.

Poore, Benjamin Parley, 1820-. Per- hy ; The Major ; Raconteur. An Ameri- can editor and journalist, b. in Newbury, Mass.; chiefly at Washington from 1851,

Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744. A,- Esdtas Barntvelt, Apoth*; Dick Distich; An Eminent Hand; An Eye -Witness , j)M Joseph Gay ; Grnatho, I/., Martinus Bciib- lerus; J&ob Short A celebrated English poet ; b. in London ; d. at Chiswick,

Popham, Rev. Vyryan Wallis, M.A., 1833- K W. P. An English clergyman and composer; b. at Antron, near Hel- ston; Exeter Coll., 1853; Curate of Illo- gan, 1SGS-79 ; afterwards resident at Windsor-terrace, Bedford.

Popplewell, Thomas, -1790. Old Pop. An English singer, of London.

Porson, Richard, DD., 1759-1808. Cantalngiensis ; J JV". Dawes; Sundry Whereof, Aa English Greek scholar and critic; b at East Huston, in Norfolk, Kegius Professor of Greek in the Unir. of Cambridge, 1790; Head Librarian of the London Institution, 1806-8; d. at his rooms in the Old Jewry.

Porteous, Kev, . A Minister of

the Chitrch of Scotland. A Scottish min- ister of the last part of the 18th century.

Porter, Mrs. Anne Emerson, 181(3--.

Uncle Jerry An American writer , b. at Ke\vburyport, Mass ; wife of Charles E. Porter, Springfield, Vt.

Porter, David, 1780-1843. An Amer- ican long Resident at Constantinople An American naval officer; b, in Boston, served m the navy with great distinction from 1798 to 182(3; Chaigd d'Aftairs to Turkey, 1830 , and afterwards Minister till his death at Pera, near Constantinople.

Porter, Miss Jane, 1776-1850 J. P ; An Englishwoman. An English writer, b. at Durham, resided some years in London; then in Esher, and still later with her brother, Dr W. 0. Porter, at Bristol, where she died.

Porter, Sir Robert Ker, Knt , K C H , 1780-1842. An Officer. An English art- ist and traveller; brother of Anna Maria and Jane Porter; b. at Durham; d at St. Petersburg.

Porter, Mrs, Kobert P. Cress,' A Detective's Daughter. An American writer of the day.

Porter, William Trotter, 1806-58. York's Tall Son An American sporting journalist, of New York City; b, at New- bury, Vt ; founded " Porter's Spirit of the Times/' and conducted it till his death m New York City.

Portland, William Henry Caven- disH Bentincfe, Duke of, 1738-1809. A Late Prime Minister. An English states- man.

Portsmouth, Henry, 1703-80 Cath- olicus; PUlaUthes. An English Friend, of Basingstoke, Hants., where lie died.

Post, Mrs. Jjydia (Miixturn). Syd- ney Barclay* An American writer of the day.

Post, Sarah I* Rosa Q-takam t An American writer of the day.

Postel, Karl, 1793-1864. Charles jSealsfield. A German novelist; resided many years in the United States, and associate editor of the "Courrier des Etats-Unis "

Posttetfcwayt, James. Esq .FES. 1688-1758. J. P., Esq., FR.S. An English statistical and financial writer

Postletfcwayt, Malachy, about 1707- 67. A British Merchant. An English writer on trade and commerce,

Potocki, Count Leon Z. P. A Polish writer.

Pott, Kev. Joseph Holden, M.A , 1759-1847. Valentine. An English cler- gyman; b. in London; Archdeacon of London, 1814-42; Chancellor of the Cathedral Church of Exeter, 1826-4T; d. at his hoiise in Woburn-place, London.

Potter, Albert Knight, D.D. Six.