Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/555

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Sendall, E Caiactacus. An English journalist, of London.

Senior, William. Uncle Hai dy ; Eed- spmner. An English sporting writer, of London, of the day.

Sergeant, Mrs. E. P. A. Adeline. An English poet.

Serres, Olivia Wilmot, 1772-1834. Olivia An English writer; the self- styled Princess Olive of Cumberland ; d in London, within the rules of the King's Bench, where she passed the latter years of her life in obscurity and poverty.

Seton, A. A. S. A Swedish writer.

Settle, Elkanah, 1648-1723 or 24. E. & An English dramatist ; b. at Dun- stable, Beds.; entered Trin Coll, Ox- ford ; but left without a degree and went to London, where he spent the rest of his life, and d. at the Charterhouse.

Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell, 1748- 1808. A Gentleman of Portsmouth, N.H.; Vernon H. Qumcey, Esq. An American poet; b. in Salem, Mass.; Register of Probate for Graf ton Co ,N.H., 1774^1808; d. at Portsmouth, N.H.

Sewall, Samuel Edmund, LL B. Z. An American lawyer, of Boston ; Harv, Univ., 1817 ; has been a strong anti-slav- ery advocate.

Seward, Miss Anna, 1747-1809. The Swan of Lichfield. An English poetess, of Lichfield, where she was born, lived, and died.

Seward, William, 1747-99. The Com- piler of " Anecdotes of Distinguished Per- sons." An English biographer; b. and d. in London; after travelling on the Continent, devoted his life to literary pursuits.

Sewell, . Colonist. A Canadian


Sewell, Miss Elizabeth Missing, 1815-. A Lady. An English writer of High Church fiction ; sister of Rev. Wil- liam Sewell; b. in the Isle of Wight.

Sewell, George, M.D., -1726. G. 8. An English physician; b. at Windsor; educ. at Peter House, Cambridge ; prac- tised his profession in London; spent his last days in Hampstead, where he d. in great poverty.

Sewell, Richard Clarke, Esq., D.C.L., 1804-64. A Hampshire Fisher- man. A British colonial lawyer ; Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxford; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1830; d. at Melbourne, Victoria.

Sewell, Eev. William, 1806-74. A Clergyman. An English clergyman ; b. in the Isle of Wight ; brother of Miss E. M. Sewell ; Curate of St. Nicholas-in-the

Castle, Newport, Isle of Wight, 1831- 74.

Seymour, Caroline Edward Spencer An American writer of the day.

Seymour, Edward, lSoo-77. An American journalist; b. in Blootnfield, N J. ; Yale Coll., 1858 ; in 18G9 became a member of the publishing house of Scribner & Co., of New York City , d. at Bloorafield.

Seymour, Ernest R. E. E. S. An English writer.

Seymour, Hon. Mary Alice (Ives). Octavia Hensel. An English writer of the day.

Seymour, Mrs. Mary H. M. H. S. An American writer of the day.

Seymour, Richard Arthur. A Set- tler. An English writer of the day.

Shackleford, Miss Anna P. See "Dinnies, Mrs A. P. (S.)."

Shackleton, Abraham. A. S. An Irish poet of the 18th century.

Shade, Ellen. Ma Elhcood.

Shadwell, Charles, -1726. C S. An English dramatist; nephew of Thomas Shadwell; he had served in Portugal, and held a post in the revenue in Dublin, where he died.

Shand, Alexander. An Observer of the Times. A Scottish lawyer, of Aberdeen

Shanks, John. The Old Cicerone of Elgin Cathedral. An English writer of the day.

Shanks, William F. G. Mary Gore. An American printer and writer, of New York City.

Shannon, Mrs. Mary Eulalie (Fee), 1824-55. Eulalie. An American poet, of Auburn, Cal.

Sharp, . A Presbyter of the Church

of England. An English writer early in the 18th century.

Sharp, Abraham, 1651-1742. A. S., Philomath. An eminent English mathe- matician ; b. at Little Horton, Yorkshire ; in 1668 was engaged by Flamsteed as his assistant in the Royal Observatory, and after his retirement to his native town continued to assist him and others.

Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813. Gran- ville S . An eminent English philan- thropist, of London, devoted to the over- throw of slavery and the slave-trade ; b. in Durham ; d. in London.

Sharp, Richard, about 1759-1835. "Conversation" Sharp; A Lay Dissenter. An English critic and miscellaneous writer, of London; friend of Mr. Hallam and Sir James Mackintosh ; d. at Dor- chester.

Sharp, Thomas, Esqu, 1771-1841. 2 ;