Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/570

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Strickland, Lt -Col, Samuel, 1809- 67 An Early Settlei. An English emigrant to Canada in 1825; brother of Agnes Strickland; d at "Lakefield, U.C

Stringer, Mrs. . A Lady. An

English C 1 ) lady.

Stronach, George G. >9. A Scot- tish Shakespeare scholar of the day; connected (?) with the Advocate's Li- brary, Edinburgh.

Strong, Rev George A.. Maic An- tony Henderson. An American humor- ous poet ; professor in Kenyon Coll , Gambier, Ohio.

Strong, George C, 1833-63. An Officer of the U.S. Army. An American soldier; "b. at Stocklmdge, Vt.; West Point, 1857; served vith distinction in the civil war, 1861-63; was mortally wounded at Fort Wagner, near Charles- ton, and d. in Kew York City.

Strong, Miss Helen P. H. P. S. An American writer of the day.

Strong, Hatnam Cornell, 1845-. Montague Shatt. An American poet and journalist; b. in Troy, K.Y.; has de- voted his life to literary work.

Strong, Rev. Nehemiaa, A.M., 1728- 1807. JV. S. An American mathemati- cian ; b. in Northampton, Mass. ; Yale Coll., 1755 ; professor in his alma mater, 1770-81.

Strong, Peter Remsen. P. R* S. An American poet of the day.

Strotlter, David Hunter, 1816-. Porte Crayon. An Amencan soldier, artist, and man of letters ; b. at Martins- burg, Va.; in New York City. 1845-49; now resides at Berkeley Sjbrings, West Virginia.

Strubberg, Friedrich August, 1808-. Armand. A prolific German novelist; b. at Cassel; lives since 1854 at Heimat as an author.

Strueusee, Gustav Otto von, 1803- 75. Gitstav vom See. A German novel- ist; b. at Greifenberg in Ppmerama; studied law at Bonn and Berlin : was in 1834 Government Counsellor at Coblenz, and in. 1847 Superior Government Coun- sellor at Berlin ; d. in Breslau.

Stuart, George. A Managing Clerk. An English book-keeper.

Stuart, Ven. George O'Kill, D.D , LI/.D. Mentor. A Canadian clergyman ; Dean of Ontario, Upper Canada, for some years , now dead.

Stuart, Hector A. Caliban; The South Sea Bard. An American writer, of Cal- ifornia.

Stuart, Hon. and Rev. Henry Wind- sor Villiers, M.A, The Vicar ofNapton.

An English clergyman; TJniv Coll., Durham, 1849; Vicar of Napton-on-the- Hill, 1855-70 et seg.

Stuart, Isaac William, 1809-61. Scceua. An American scholar and mis- cellaneous writer; son of Prof. Moses Stuart; b at New Haven; Yale Coll, 1828 ; resided the latter part of his life at Hartford, Conn, ; and d. there.

Stuart, James Francis JEdvrard, 1688-17(35. JEneas. An English gentle- man; son of James II. (termed the Chev- alier de St George and the Old Pre- tender) ; was styled James III at his father's death, 1701; rebellions in Ins favor dei'eated, 1715 and 1740.

Stuart, Miss M. B. Grace Mor- timer. An American ( 7 ) novelist of the day.

Stuart, Will. Walsmgliam. An Amer- ican "writer.

Sturgis, Robert S. A Foreigner. An English writer.

Styles, Kev. John, DD., 1770-18GO. Jeremiah Rinfjtetub. An English Meth. preacher, of Brighton.

Suddorth, Mrs. M. A B Lunma Bilvenale, An American novelist of the day.

Sue, Marie Joseph Eugene, 1808-57. Eugene Sue; Eugene 8 . .. A popular French novelist, of Paris; b. and d. in that city.

Sulivan, Sir Richard Joseph, -1806. 7?. J. S. An Irish writer , spent his early life in India; MP., 1790-1806; made a baronet, 1804

Sullivan, Mrs. Arabella, -1849. A. B.; A Chaperon. An English writer; daughter of Barharina Brand,, Lady Dacre, and wife of the Eev. Frederick Sullivan, Vicar of Kimpton, Herts.

Sullivan, James, 1744-1808. J. S ; A Layman; A Citizen of Massachusetts. An American statesman; b. at Berwick, Me.; studied law; in 1785 removed to Boston; Governor of Massachusetts, 1807-8; d. in Boston.

Sullivan, James Frank. J. F, Suna- wit. An English humorist.

Sullivan, Hon. Robert Baldwin, -1853. Legion; Clnna, A Canadian statesman; judge in Upper Canada, 1848-53 , b. and d. at Toronto.

Summers, Thomas Osmund, D D , 1812-. A Member of the Red Ewer Con- ference. An English-American Metho- dist clergyman; b. near Corfe Castle, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. ; came to this country and prepared for the ministry ; Prof, of Theology in Vanderbilt Univ, ; Dean of the Theological Department,