Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/574

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voted much time to literary pursuits ; d. in London.

Taylor, F. One of the Pai ty. An writer.

Taylor, Frederick. Ballmasloe; A IIorse-Dealei . An English sporting writer; once of the 8th Royal Irish Hus- sars.

Taylor, George Watson. G-. W. T. ; George Watson. An English poet, of Earlstoke, M.P ; added his last name on succeeding to the property of Sir Simon Taylor.

Taylor, Rev Henry, about 1710-85. Benjamin Ben Mordecai ; Indiqnatio. An English clergyman ; Eector of Crawley, and Vicar of Portsmouth, Hampshire

Taylor, Isaac, LL.D., 1787-1865 I. T. An English writer; b. at Laven- ham, Suffolk; lived in studious retire- ment at Stanford Rivers, Essex, devoting himself to the education of his children and to literary work, where he died.

Taylor, Miss Jane, 1783-1824. Q. Q. ; Several Young Persons An English poet and writer for the young; b. in London ; resided at Marazion, Cornwall, from 1814 ; d at Ongar.

Taylor, John, 1580-1654. The Water Poet; Thorny Ailo; John Alexander, a Joyner; Edward Allde( ? ); Mercvnvs Aqiaticis; George Eld ( fl ) ; My-heele Mendsoale; Misostratus; Sir Gregory Nonsence ; Philanar ; The Sculler ; Henry Walker (?). An eccentric English poet ; b. in Gloucester; was a waterman, col- lector of wine-fees for the Lieutenant of the Tower, and keeper of a public house both at Oxford and Westminster.

Taylor, John. A Layman. An Eng- lish writer on Puseyism.

Taylor, John, 1750-1824. A Citizen of Virginia; Curtms. An American agricultural and political writer; b. in Orange Co., Ya. ; William and Mary Coll, 1770; U.S. Senator, 1702-94, 1803, and 1822-24; d. in Caroline Co, Va,

Taylor, John, 1767-1832. Monsieur Tonson. An English writer; in early life oculist to George HL, and subse- quently for many years connected with the theatre as author of poetical sketches, prologues, etc

Taylor, John, 1781-1864. Verm. An English publisher, of London, and a prominent " Junius " controversialist ; b. at East Retford, Nottinghamshire; d. at Kensington,

Taylor, John A. Pad Fairchild. An American lawyer, of New York City; a writer of the day.

Taylor, Rev. Manton Robert. A


Taylor, Mr " Sun." A Macaroni.

Taylor, Thomas, 1758-1835. The Platomst. An eminent English classical scholar and translator; b. in London, resided at Walworth, and d there

Taylor, Tom, 181 7-81 . John Noales ; Claude Mellot / Roumany Rei An emi- nent English critic and dramatist ; b. in Sunderland; educ. at Glasgow and Cambridge ; was 10 years Prof of Eng- lish Literature in the Univ. Coll., Lon- don; studied law, and admitted to the Bar in 1845 ; wrote, either alone or with others, more than 100 dramas, besides do- ing much other literary work; d in London.

Taylor, W, F. W. F. T, An English writer.

Taylor, W. H. A Doctor of Physic. An English writer of the day.

Taylor, Watson. Str Joseph Cheak- ill, K. F., K. S. An English author.

Tegg, Thomas. An Amateur of Fash- ion ; Peter Parley. An English publisher, of London.

Telfair, . A Resident who has

never possessed either Land or Slaves in the Colony. An English resident at the Mau- ritius.

Telford, Thomas, 1757-1804. Eslc- dale Tarn. An eminent Scottish civil engineer; b. at Westerkirk, Dumfries- shire, his most beautiful \vork is the suspension railway bridge over the Menai Strait ; d. at Westminster.

Temple, Miss JJaura Sophia, 1786-. L. S> T. An English poet; daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Temple; b. at Chester. When she was about ten years old, her parents removed to a gloomy mansion on the borders of the Lincolnshire fens, where she met with some of the works of Milton and Pope, and those ascribed to Ossian, which al- lured her to the pursuit of poesy.

Temple, William. J B ,

M.D. An English writer on political economy, etc.

Tennant, William, LL.D , 1784-1848. W. CrooUeg. A Scottish poet and emi- nent modern linguist ; b in Anstruther- Easter, County of Fife; studied at the Univ. of St. Andrew's, 1799-1801 ; Pro- fessor of Oriental Languages at St. An- drew's, 1834-48; d. at Ham Court, Up- ton-on-Sevem.

Tennent, Sir James Emerson, K.C.S., LL.D., 1804-69. jSir James Emerson. An Irish writer; b. at Belfast; cduc, at Dublin; one of the secretaries of the board of trade, 1852-67 ; d. in London.