Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/576

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nalist; the mysterious "Turk" of the London "Pall Mall Gazette"

Thlrlby, Dr. J. n. An English writer, early in the 18th century.

Thirlwall, Rev. Thomas, -1827. An In dependent Fi eehotder. An English cler- gyman and author; b. at Cottmgham, near Hull; Brazenose Coll., Oxford, M.A., 1786; Eector of Bower's Gifford, Essex, 181i-27, ^here he died,

Thisted, Valdemar Adolf, 1815-. Emanud Saint* Hermidad ; M. Koran. A Danish author; b. at Aarhus ; studied theology in Copenhagen; was pastor in Goirup m 1858, and in Tommerup in 1862-70

Them, Adam, LLD. An Anti- Buieauciat. A Scottish-Canadian jour- nalist, of Montreal, 1832-37 ; Recorder of Rupert's Land, 1837-55 ; resident in England from 1855.

Thorn, Robert. Sloth. An English orientalist, at Canton, China.

Thorn, Rev. William. The R-v-d

JD T- . A Scottish minister, of

Govan, Cos. Lanark and Eenfrew.

Thorn, William, 1799-1850. The Weaver Poet; A Handloom Weaver. A Scottish poet ; b. in Aberdeen j at ten years of age was bound to a weaver ; afterwards carried on his trade iu Aber- deen and Inyerary.

Thomas, . Mr. Aptommas. An

American harpist

Thomas, Rev. Abel Charles, 1807-, Iron Gray. An American Univ. clergy- man, of Lowell (Mass.), Brooklyn (H.Y.), and Cincinnati (0.) ; b. in Exeter town- ship, Perm. ; and educ. at Lancaster, Penn.

Thomas, Mrs. Ann (Mallett), 1808-% A. T.; Ann, An English author; b. at Plymouth; married Ralph Thomas, a London barnster-at-law, the father of Ralph Thomas ("Olphar Harast").

Thomas, Benjamin. A Petitioner. An English writer of the 18th cen- tury.

Thomas, Ebenezer Smith, 1775- 1845. Jwiius; Hampden. An eminent American journalist; b. in Lancaster, Mass. ; removed to Charleston, S C., in 1795; and to Cincinnati, O,, in 1827.

Thomas, Mrs. Elizabeth, Jr., 1675- 1730, A Lady; Corinna. An English, poet; called " Corinna" by Dryden; impaled in the "Dunciad" by Pope; she was to have married Richard Gwh> nett, Esq., but Ms death " prevented the marriage."

Thomas, Eev. Josiah, M.A., -1820. Christopher Climax, Esq. An English

divine, of St. James's Coll., Cambridge; Archdeacon of Bath.

Thomas, Ralph. R. T. ; H. S. An English writer; a sergeant-at-law ; a contributor to "Cobbett's/' "Monthly, "Court," "Town and Country," Maga- zines.

Thomas, Ralph, Jr., 1845-. Ralph Harrington ; Olphar Hamst. An eminent English bibliographer; son of the pre- ceding.

Thomas, Samuel E. S, K T. An English writer of the day.

Thomas, William. William Thomas MoncnefT. An English writer.

Thomayer, Joseph, 1862-. R. E. Jamot. A Bohemian author; b. at Txhanov, near Tauss ; an M.D. at Prague.

Thomes, William H. A Returned Australian; A Yankee. An American writer, of Boston

Thompson, Mrs >. A Lady. An

English writer.

Thompson, Daniel Pierce, 1796- 1868. A Member of the Vermont Bar; Timothy Peacock^ Esq. An American lawyer, popular novelist, and journalist; b in Charlestown, Mass.; Middlebury CoM, 1820, resided in Montpeher, Vt , from 1824, and d. there.

Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth, about 1830-. A Schoolmaster, A Scot- tish C 2 ) classical scholar; for several years master in the Edinburgh Academy, and afterwards Prof, of Greek in Queen's Coll , Galway, Ireland.

Thompson, Edward, 1738-86. N. , Sailor. An English naval officer, poet, and dramatist ; b in Hull ; d on board his ship, the "Grampus/' on the coast of Africa. He wrote some greatly admired sea-songs.

Thompson, John, 1777-99. Casca; Curtius; Qracchus An American polit- ical writer, of Virginia; b. and d at Petersburg.

Thompson, Joseph Parrish, D.D., LL.D., 1819-79. Berliner; Egyptus. An eminent American clergyman and mis- cellaneous writer; b. in Philadelphia; Yale Coll., 1838; studied theology at Andover and at Yale; passed the last years of his life in Berlin, and d. there.

Thompson, Marmadu&e. Marma- duke T. An English friend of Charles Lamb.

Thompson, Mortimer M,, 1828-75. Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P.I>\ ; Knight Russ Ock&ide; No Author, An eminent American humorist; b. at Biga, N.Y.; studied at the Univ. of Michigan, but